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Comment I'll never understand... (Score 1) 122

I don't understand how people like Simon Hackett can't get their ideas heard by their government (the same thing happens in the US government, unfortunately). I watched his video a while back and it highlighted how much waste / over engineering was going into their NBN, and his ideas to simplify the service would considerably reduce the cost...

Comment Re:What it will be used for... (Score 1) 178

As vehicles become more fuel efficient, the amount of tax you collect goes down. We are facing that problem in several states in the US, and said states are supposedly giving more thought to pay-as-you-drive taxes instead of more gas taxes (which, even if you do raise the taxes, as cars become more fuel efficient, you're tax revenue still declines).

Comment Re:Really? (Score 5, Informative) 552

That's just as easy as popping off the back of the HD removing a couple a screws and pulling out the platter.

You do that outside of a cleanroom and your data is gone forever.

False -- I've done it on a number of occasions (to drives I didn't care about), and was able to run the drives for months without their covers. I'd still be using the drives if I had need for drives as small as they were (somewhere in the 80GB range)...

Would I use a drive in this state for something critical? No, but saying you immediately lose the data if you pull a drive cover is just flat wrong.

Comment Re:RAID (Score 2, Interesting) 552

I know I'll probably see negative moderation as a result of what I'm about to post (being as I'm about to talk up WHS2011 in a Linux related thread), however...

I stopped using RAID in any of my systems after I started using WHSv1. WHS2011 has the same feature -- live system backups. If a drive fails, I pop in a new one (of any type/size), boot a CD that came with WHS (essentially a WinPE environment with a recovery software baked in), select my backup (I save 7-10 days -- I forget what it's set to), and in about an hour my system is back to the state of the last backup. WHS is set to perform the system backups between 00:00 - 02:00 every night. The very first system backup is a 'full' backup, the rest are 'diffs'. I've had to use this feature on two of my systems, so far, and both were because of crappy WD drives (OOOOHhhh, I hate that brand soooo much). It came in really handy when I switched both my primary desktop and my laptop from mechanical HDD's to SSD's. I forced a backup, swapped the drives, and then restored...

This way, either my WHS storage pool (based on StableBit's DrivePool product) or my workstation HDD's can fail, and I can easily recover. It's automagic, manageable via a single UI, and because of DrivePool, I can easily increase the storage space at any time (without interrupting other users of the storage pool). /me puts on his asbestos underpants

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