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Journal Journal: Chronicle: 51 2

Oh me, oh my. I'm old and just getting older. But this year i got the best birthday present ever. My son was born just a couple days ago. I can't wait to take him home from the NICU.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Verbiage: Correlation does not connote causation 5

I just read a comment: "Correlation does not connote causation." A search found the more common adage uses "imply" instead of "connote". Though, they are somewhat synonymous.

Anyway, that seems wrong. I mean, the whole point is that it does indeed imply causation. That's why we need to remind people that it does not equal causation.

Comment Re:Hey, maybe Stephen Hawking was right! (Score 1) 2

You might have missed my previous post, I agree and want to add that to me it is even a bit more than that.

There is a complex interaction when you see a milk jug full of water hit by a bullet, or see the flow of plasma on the sun twisted by gravity and magnetic fields, or the plasma of the big bang as the expansion of the universe pulls it apart.

But they can be summed up as a expanding force vs a force of cohesion in all of them. Gravity is a force of cohesion on a cosmic scale, but so is magnetism. And at the great inflation, the lingering cosmic filaments of stars and galaxies look very similar to the water spreading from a hit from bullet where the cohesion is from more molecular forces.

If there was a "then a miracle occurs" part of cosmology that still existed, it would be the dark energy that continues to accelerate the expansion of the universe.

But it has one other side effect that isn't spoken of much -- creating clean entropy. How did we go from a homogeneous plasma at the big bang to such different hot/cold regions in the universe? Expansion, which has a similar effect on condensing gasses into liquids and even freezing them into solids. Only in this case some of that condensation ignites and creates the starts, pinpoints of very clean entropy to power whole solar systems. Expansion is what winds the clock of entropy, creating the differentials that then re-mix and make work happen.

So I completely agree, and if you ask me the story of creating entropy differentials for the universe to do work is the "then a miracle occurs" part of the story that still remains.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Genesis as Kindergarten Science, day 3 2

And said God, "lets gather the waters under the heavens into one place, and lets see it dry."
Called God the dry "Earth", and the collection of waters he called "Seas", And saw God "that's good".

User Journal

Journal Journal: Genesis as Kindergarten Science, Day 2

Welcome to the latest installment in my series. So far I've set up the context -- telling real science and cosmology to kindergartners using Genesis as our text to see how well it works or doesn't work. Kindergartners are just our approximation of bronze age campfire communities.

Comment Re:Why are you here? (Score 1) 19

I've seen a lot of creation myths over the years, and the Genesis account is remarkable in how free it is from personifications or explaining how things came about through social circumstance. I think that is one reason it holds up as well as it does.

For instance in the nearly related Babylonian myths, people were an afterthought and a nuisance. Instead of waters representing dragons, it was dragons representing waters. Genesis has its own MCU llike moments, but far less than any other creation myth that I know of.

Comment Re:What a load of (Score 1) 19

He's more of a mathematician theoretician than a scientist in my book.

He's done some brilliant mathematical hacks to come up with some very interesting theories. For instance, creating a boundary layer and applying different mathematical theories on both sides to come up with the idea of Hawking Radiation from black holes. And that has met with some observations as well ...

But like the hack itself, the observable evidence requires us to squint our eyes a bit to see past all the analogies required.

Comment Re:Why are you here? (Score 1) 19

I've actually been here for a quarter of a century. It's amazing it is still around. I was using Linux before it was 1.0, and even had a patch accepted to the kernel but not the mainstream kernel. I haven't played a major part in the OSS movement, but I've been fairly involved.

To understand what I'm up to in this series you need to read my previous journal entries. The tldr; is that in an unexpected way Genesis has the drama, snappy pacing, and language that would work very well with 5 year olds learning science.

Genesis is such a battle ground. I anticipate as much pushback from the creationists as the science enthusiasts because I don't play by their rules of ex-post-nihlo or timelines either.

Its a lot like going back to a childhood playground and talking with the old neighborhood friends, nothing serious just interesting.

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