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Comment Re:Because it's there (Score 4, Insightful) 473

No appreciable fraction of a percent of humanity living on the Earth now, nor of their decedents for several generations, has any genuine hope of making a home on Mars even if their is a concerted effort to get there.

  Mars or no Mars, if an asteroid hits Earth, the vast, vast majority of humanity dies out. Don't even start with the outpost crap, spend the money on environmental care or even asteroid diversion missions for a much higher cost-payoff ratio. Heck, even if an asteroid did hit we'd have a vastly easier time "terraforming" the resulting Earth.

Comment Don't assume (Score 1) 593

Why am I even 'the same' person that I was as a five year old? I barely remember that 5yo self. Wouldn't there be some other 5yo around now that actually has more in common with my 5yo self that I do with that person?

Consciousness isn't continuous anyhow, a sharp blow to the head will soon sort that out. A harder blow that causes large scale permanent destruction of brain matter will sort that out even more so, is the person that wakes up from that really the same person?

The conception of a persisting personal identity is shaky at it's core.

Comment Wanting the human touch. (Score 1) 57

They can want the human touch all they like, but as long as caring remains a poorly paid and unpleasant job they ain't gonna get it.

For sure they can import Phillipnio slave girls to do it, but that's just poor form IMHO.

Pay carers well and the problem fades.

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