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Comment Re: This (Score 4, Insightful) 734

I love how /. has truly grown up from being the "Voices From The Hellmouth" crowd to the "waaah, poor baby can't handle a little teasing" crowd. It's the classic "fuck you, got mine" but for advancing through life rather than up the income ladder. Where's the line for deserving sympathy, or even empathy? Does she have to shoot some classmates and THEN kill herself? Does she have to play video games first, and do people have to make that a public issue?

Comment This is a stupid thing to complain about (Score 1) 566

Of course they do! The iPhone has gotten progressively better from the original to the current version; it's not like you're going to open the box for the eventual iPhone 5 and have it contain nothing but a loose collection of wires and poster tack, with a little sign saying "HAHA PWNED." My wife is squarely in this category, since she's still fighting with an increasingly balky 3G whose apps are getting crashier as they expect to have more modern amounts of memory.

Comment Re:Logical conclusion of this (Score 2) 176

They'd have to figure out who the insured is, first, as well as their relatives are -- I'm not sure it'd be impossible with a sufficient quantity of data, but the patient's name gets stripped out of the data in question. I think this is a bad idea for other reasons, but at least there's that. FTFA:

When filling prescriptions, Vermont pharmacies collect information, including the prescribing physician's name and address; the name, dosage, and quantity of the medication; the date and place where the prescription was filled; and the patient's age and gender.

Comment Re:Princeton has very short leases. (Score 1) 309

Yeah, that was my reaction as well. While they've done a good job documenting the bug (and it really does sound like Android's DHCP client is broken), they sound like they're missing the forest for the trees. Why does Princeton assign such short leases, you ask?

"Shorter leases allow us to recover unused IP addresses rapidly, in turn permitting us to assign globally-routable IP addresses to clients without requiring Princeton to impose a NAT between wireless clients and the Internet."

So my smartphone can have a globally-routable IP address! You know, for the servers I'm going to run on it.

Comment Re:Lets Stop Expanding This Rights Nonsense (Score 1) 480

The price you pay for having a society that backstops the quality of life of its least fortunate is that you have a society that does the same for the occasional freeloader. That's the kind of society I wish I lived in, so I'll support changes to that end regardless of the fact that someone less deserving might benefit.

Do you think your utter lack of motivation to achieve anything beyond "continued metabolic activity" is the default?

Comment They've been sloppy and lazy for years (Score 1) 114

About 5 years ago, I contributed to a paper that brought up a particularly brain-dead thing they did with the auto-update mechanism for their then-current consumer version of VirusScan:

Long story short -- their ActiveX control exported a wrapper around the Win32 ShellExecute API. What could possibly go wrong? The XSS thing in their help here seems to be of the same "do the simplest thing, damn the consequences" variety; it looks like they've tried to patch the XSS issue but it's pretty weak sauce. Hint to McAfee: Did you know most browsers will load "HTTP://" as readily as ""?

Comment Re:Android/iPhone UI performance (Score 1) 260

Does the perceived responsiveness of the device count for anything? I'll happily eat that fraction of a second longer the app will take to start up if it means I won't be wondering whether or not I tapped the wrong icon (or missed completely) and the phone can't be bothered to tell me. Similarly, the feeling I get when I see choppy (or worse, stuttery) animation isn't "I'm glad they're using these cycles to compute something more important!" It's "I could be doing this faster myself on an abacus." This is, of course, utterly subjective and irrational, but it's the squishy human factors stuff that Apple's got figured out.

Comment Re:Oh boy (Score 1) 157

(Parent post is mine as well, wasn't logged in earlier.)

Yes, I have watched MSNBC, and no, I managed to miss the incident you're describing on CNN. This largely misses the point -- the fact that it's POSSIBLE to miss whatever "Bush=Hitler" incident you saw on CNN, while I can turn on Fox or spin the AM dial pretty much at random and land in a positive feedback loop of "liberals are destroying America."

I don't watch much Olbermann, but I have seen conservative guests on Rachel Maddow's show (plus a lot of "so-and-so declined our request for an interview"). You can object to her tone during her solo segments if you want, but I have yet to hear her be less than respectful to a conservative guest, even if she's doing her damnedest to dismantle his or her argument at the time (note: calling out bullshit is not the same thing as disrespect). Compare this with the O'Reilly "cut his mic!" shoutdowns over at Fox.


Will Tabbed Windows Be the Next Big Thing? 528

kai_hiwatari writes "The recently released KDE SC 4.4 Beta 1 has introduced tabbed windows as a new feature. It is now possible to tab together windows from different applications. This looks like it will be a very good productivity tool. Like the tabbed browsers, this may well end up as a feature in all desktop environments in the years ahead."

USB-IF Slaps Palm In iTunes Spat 600

An anonymous reader writes "The USB Implementers Forum has finally responded to Palm's complaints that Apple is violating its USB-IF Membership Agreement by preventing the Pre from syncing with iTunes. It's found in favor of Apple. Worse, it's accused Palm itself of violating the Membership Agreement by using Apple's Vendor ID number to disguise the Pre as an Apple device."

BIND Still Susceptible To DNS Cache Poisoning 146

An anonymous reader writes "John Markoff of the NYTimes writes about a Russian hacker, Evgeniy Polyakov, who has successfully poisoned the latest, patched BIND with randomized ports. Originally, the randomized ports were never supposed to completely solve the problem, but just make it harder to do. It was thought that with port randomization, it would take roughly a week to get a hit. Using his own exploit code, two desktop computers and a GigE link, Polyakov reduced the time to 10 hours."

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