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Comment Some newer coins intend to stay ASIC resistant (Score 2) 281

While the threat of a 51% attack may be blown out of proportion (a pool sells their cut of the coins that are mined and it is in their best interest that the coin remain as valuable as possible - attacking a coin would be counterproductive), some altcoin developers have stated that they will change their coin's proof-of-work algorithm if ASICs are developed for it. Vertcoin and Execoin's developers have both stated they'll do whatever it takes to keep ASICs out.

Most of the speculation that fuels the pump-and-dump world of altcoins is based on the belief that Bitcoin may not end up being the cryptocoin that average people use to buy pizza, pay their bills, etc.

Comment Re:Almost, but not quite (Score 1) 117

Isn't the chargeback potential a risk under paypal not found for bitcoin? When someone gets paid the charge can be reversed at any time per Paypal's discretion. Thieves will buy bitcoins all the time on ebay with stolen paypal accounts and than the seller will be out all the money when paypal reverses the transaction. Additionally, isn't paypals security polices also a risk for the user unlike with bitcoin where you can trust the mathematics and network which is immune from many traditional attack vectors?

Yes, chargebacks are a potential fraud risk for business owners. As a customer, though, being able to perform a chargeback is an important safeguard against a seller that doesn't make good on their part of a transaction.

While having your bank/credit card information on file at PayPal is also a potential security risk, it's still significantly less of a risk than trusting every business you allow to directly process your credit card.

Comment Almost, but not quite (Score 1) 117

Bitcoin does solve the issue of being able to electronically pay people you may not trust, but so does PayPal. Bitcoin transactions are slow to confirm, you have no protection as a buyer to perform a chargeback (for example, you buy tickets for a concert that turn out to be counterfeit) and the price of Bitcoin is extremely unstable. Bitcoin also is not really free of transaction fees, either. You will pay a fee to an exchange when buying Bitcoin with fiat.

Bitcoin's deflationary design also makes it lousy as a currency, since why would you use it to buy two pizzas today when that same amount a few years from now might buy you a Tesla Model S?

Cryptocurrency probably does have a place in the future of commerce, but it will probably be something that addresses Bitcoin's serious shortcomings.

Comment Re:We're supposed to take this seriously? (Score 3, Interesting) 72

There's no intelligent debate to be had, or a debate at all. It's just the government violating the highest law of the land, and people who give a shit trying to stop them. They had no moral high ground since the beginning.

The point is, if the situation is dire and serious, the message should be as well. Think about it for a second, if someone on here posted "Don't buy an iPhone because Apple wants to lick your balls!" it would be moderated as troll in the blink of an eye. It works for Southpark because the objective is to get you to laugh. When you're pointing out an injustice being committed by the government, you should be trying to get people to think.

Comment We're supposed to take this seriously? (Score 2, Insightful) 72

Southpark has already done plenty of political satire peppered with dick and fart jokes. If Snowden doesn't want to come across as a tinfoil hat loonie, he should probably tone down the juvenile humor a notch. It's frequently said that those who resort to insults do so because they can't hold an intelligent debate.

Comment THIS. Just get an iPhone 5S (Score 2) 259

Not only does the iPhone have the frequency bands the asker wants, but it is one of the easiest phones to purchase completely unlocked and off-contract in the USA (so long as you purchase direct from Apple). Most other contract-free phones here are still sold locked to the carrier, and generally require several months of paid service before the carrier will provide an unlock code.

Other less expensive options for a world phone would be Google's Nexus 5 or Motorola's Moto G (if you don't absolutely need LTE).

Comment Obviously (Score 1) 311

Considering all the above, I'm convinced that it makes much more sense to put solar on rooftops.

We're not even remotely close to running out of places to install PV panels, where they'll never see the business end of a vehicle tire. PVs are presently just too damn expensive, even when you're not engineering them to withstand being constantly run over.

The news story here is really that fools are still being parted from their money.

Comment Not this again (Score 1) 311

We've learned that in the U.S., over $160 billion is lost each year in lost productivity from people sitting in traffic due to road maintenance.

No, it's time that would've been spent at home scratching your ass. Tesla pulls this same crap too in their marketing, by claiming your time spent pumping gas is wasted income. Your time is only worth something if you actually would've spent that time earning money. Why else do you think we call it "free time"?

Road delays do waste fuel, but that's more easily solved with improved vehicle technologies, rather than expensive pie-in-the-sky tech roads.

Comment Jury duty sucks (Score 3, Insightful) 389

I continue in my belief that Civics should be taught every year from 8th grade through 12th grade.

I'd take this a step further and require that juries be picked only from 12th graders and retirees. That way, no one can complain about missing work. You may think it's a bad idea to use teens and the elderly, but I think they may actually do a better job than a bunch of people who don't want to be there in the first place.

Comment How many code monkies do we really need? (Score 1) 255

Here's a hint: The most important 21st century skill is going to be heathcare. You're not going to have your job outsourced to India or worry about the company you work for going under because no one notices their crappy mobile application amongst the thousands of others in the market. The IT industry is brutal.

Sure, provide opportunities for kids who have the aptitude, drive and desire to go into IT, but don't cram it down the throats of those who have no interest in it. There's already enough people trained in IT that open source projects have no problem being maintained by people who are willing to work for free. It's a bit irresponsible to steer kids toward a field that is already over saturated with workers.

Comment Sounds more like candy (Score 1) 59

I'm not even close to being a tree-hugging, organic-loving, Whole Foods-shopping-at hipster, but honestly, don't we already have enough processed frankenfoods? What is wrong with just having some actual raspberries, strawberries, blueberries or whatever kind of berry they're faking? Last I checked, the candy isle at Walmart is already overflowing with sickeningly over-sweetened, artificially flavored fake fruit. They figured out how to print what essentially is Gushers candy with a 3D printer.

Comment Re:In other news: my iPhone keeps tigers away (Score 1) 168

You might want to re-calibrate your worldview. Talking about gamers smoking pot isn't "demonizing." Ooooh scary drug use.

I personally know a few people who have been busted for possession and it's going to be on their criminal record for the rest of their lives. Heck, even having a stoner friend accidentally leave a tiny "baggie" in your car can easily turn into an expensive legal nightmare if a cop notices it before you do. The "world view" may be different but here in the USA, there's still a war on drugs here and the law will happily fuck your life up without giving it a second thought.

You also just lumped those of us who enjoy marijuana in with murderers and rapists. Are you trolling, or just really sheltered?

You missed the entire "correlation does not imply causation" point behind that statement. By the way, I don't see any tigers here, so my iPhone must be working great!

Comment In other news: my iPhone keeps tigers away (Score 1, Insightful) 168

Could it be the case that playing video games are simply the most likely recreational activity a stoner is going to feel motivated enough to perform? Honestly, how many people get stoned and then go hiking, running, playing football or whatever?

It's bad enough that some people believe video games cause violent behavior, but now drug use too? Next we'll be demonizing food, since every murderer, stoner and rapist ate food regularly during their lives.

Comment What a stupid problem to have (Score 1) 483

Couldn't they just centrifuge death row convicts off this mortal coil? Supposedly, it's fun like a theme park ride, right up until you pass out and die from lack of blood flow to the brain. The only change they'd have to make to go from "fighter pilot training" to "execution" is to stay at maximum speed until the condemned is dead.

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