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Comment Re:Maybe he should consider learning a language (Score 1) 548

For those who aren't aware, an idiom is a group of words that have a meaning other than their literal interpretation.

And in this case, the idiom is "I couldn't care less." Most of the time it's not literally true, but it conveys the sense that the person using the idiom considers whatever it is being described as being at or near the very bottom of the list of things he cares about. So low on the list that in practical terms, he couldn't care less.

So when someone says the opposite of that ("I could care less"), it's not even a nod to the actual concept - it's just someone making sounds similar to the sounds in the idiom, without actually thinking about the words they're saying. By your thinking, "I wooden flare lens" would also be an idiom because if you mutter it badly enough it also sounds like the real idiom.

Comment Re:That's not quick? (Score 5, Insightful) 190

Agreed. They're looking into running natural gas through my area. It's going to be at least a 10 year process.

under two weeks for running relatively high capacity power lines to the supercharger station and getting everything hooked up?

As an AC mentioned, I'm pretty sure that building a paved level parking lot takes longer. Building any sort of structure generally takes far, far longer.

Comment Re:non sequitur? (Score 1) 143

Li-ion is 1/3rd the weight. 1/3rd, not 1/10th. It doesn't have to be any lighter.

Did you factor in that you need at least 50% more amp-hours to avoid deep discharging the lead-acid battery because, as walshy007 pointed out, ones designed for cranking over an engine don't like being deeply discharged?

I will admit to rounding and making a bit of a WAG though - 1/7th would have been closer. Oh, and the battery wouldn't actually be cheaper, but it'd last longer.

I'm surprised you didn't bring up that a liIon will stop working at around -25C instead of -40C. Though there are chemistries that work at colder temperatures.

Be sure you understand the difference between *power* and *energy*.

Be more condescending, why don't you? Power is energy over time.

Comment Re:it's not the ads it's the surveillance. (Score 1) 611

The self-destructing cookies plugin for Firefox has the cookie management policy that I want. Sites can leave whatever cookies they want, but they are silently removed when I navigate away from the page (there's also an undo feature, so if I realise after navigating away that I actually wanted the site to store something persistent, I can retrieve it). It also does the same for HTML5 local storage and will aggressively delete tracking cookies from ad networks. It needed basically no configuration other than to whitelist a few sites as I go.

I'd love to see Microsoft and Apple integrate this kind of functionality into IE and Safari. I doubt Google would do the same for Chrome, as they rely too heavily on aggressive tracking for making money. I don't really understand why Apple and Microsoft don't aggressively push privacy features in their browsers: they'd get good PR and hurt one of their competitors at the same time...

Comment Re:$230 (Score 1) 611

Don't get me wrong, DuckDuckGo sounds good. Sounds like they certainly don't actively track you. But I don't see them bragging that they "keep no data to hand over in the first place"

They don't use tracking cookies (their preferences cookies are not identifying, they're just a string of your options, if you've set them), so the most data that they can have for identifying you is the IP address. They've been SSL by default (redirecting from http to https and defaulting to https in search results where available, for example on Wikipedia) for a long time, so you don't suddenly jump into an unencrypted connection as soon as you leave.

Comment Maybe he should consider learning a language (Score 2, Insightful) 548

Like, perhaps, English. So that he could - after all these years as a professional who types out strings of characters that very specific meaning - understand that when he says "could have cared less about my career," he means "could NOT have cared less about my career."

Maybe he's been working all these years in languages that don't incorporate the concept of "not" or " ! " in evaluating two values. Are there any? I couldn't care less. Grown-ups who communicate or code for a living should be able to handle that one correctly.

Comment Re:Living in the country is an anachronism (Score 2) 276

One word: Zoning. If you've played SimCity, you have a good idea of the structure of a lot of US cities. For some reason, they decided that places where people live, places where people shop, and places where people work should all be separate and so you need to drive to get between them. In most of the rest of the world, cities formed where villages grew until they were overlapping, so contain a mixture of homes, shops, offices, and so on. In the UK, it's hard to live in a city (or town) and be more than 5 minutes walk from a grocery store and usually a load of other small shops. A big supermarket may be a bit further away, but most deliver so you don't usually need to physically visit them.

Comment Re:non sequitur? (Score 1) 143

I did read the article, though not before my comment. In it was really nothing new. We've known for ages that with the development of the lithium ion battery that the only thing stopping EVs from being the obvious choice 90% of the time was the cost of the energy storage. From my research, if the giga-factory does succeed at cutting the cost of LiIon in half it's going to be a real game changer, and not just for the EV world.

Why? Last time I checked LiIon was down to below double that of Lead-Acid. That means that if you cut the price in half again lithium Ion will actually be cheaper than Lead-Acid.

That $100 car battery? A lithium-ion equivalent that's 1/10th the weight for the same capacity and probably even more cold cranking amps might be $80.

We've already seen the start of a revolution with nearly all cordless tools becoming LiIon devices rather than NiCd and NiMH.

Comment Re:non sequitur? (Score 2) 143

He was making the point that lithium is not heavy. Other than that, it's hard to know what else he was trying to say, because the article doesn't give much context.

I know it's not XKCD, but there's relevant SMBC and PHD comics.

Roughly speaking, outside of very dedicated science reporting channels by the time you go from the scientist's representative trying to dumb it down, to the reporter trying to dumb it down, to the editor doing it yet again, accuracy sucks.

Maybe they're trying for a hydrogen battery?

Comment Re:No, not the cause of the breach. (Score 1) 89

another car ran a red light and you plowed into them it would be all their fault?

Yes. The accident, as simplistically as you're describing it - which implies that "failing" or not, "you" were still able to drive around - is the fault of the driver that broke the law by running the red light. Without that driver's bad driving, the accident would not have occurred. Just like without the Chinese deliberately cracking in to take medical records, they wouldn't have thus been in receipt of those records. Which part of "the data theft cannot happen without a data thief actually acting to do the crime" are you unclear about? Though your car analogy is a bad one, it's very similar to, "You can't be in a collision with a person driving a car through a red light without that other person actually running the red." It's not complicated.

Comment Re:Oh god so what? (Score 1) 193

Clang has some builtins that allow you to get the carry bit, so you can cheaply write code that branches on carry. We (mostly CERT, I helped a bit) had a proposal for inclusion in C11 that would have added qualifiers on integers explicitly defining their overflow behaviour as trapping or wrapping, along with a model that let this be implemented cheaply (e.g. allowing a set of side-effect-free code to propagate temporary results and only trap if one of them along the way overflowed). Sadly, it didn't make it into the standard.

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