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Comment Re: and... (Score 3, Insightful) 196

> Unless you're a framework author, chances are you'll have to care very little about mucking with bytes.

Right, because none of us write code that interacts with other code or systems that use bytes.

Like C libraries.
Or binary files.
Or network protocols.

Comment A book and a project. (Score 1) 306

> I never learned to ... write modular, DRY code

Don't worry about frameworks right now. This is your problem right here.

The book that helped me best in learning to write modular code was "Analysis Patterns", by Martin Fowler. ( It's ancient now (from 1996), and you can find used copies on Amazon for under 10 bucks. I came across it back around when it came out (yikes, that's 18 years ago!) while I was buying up every book I could find on OO, and this is the one that really made plain to me how to approach object design.

With book in hand, I might recommend also trying to write a text-oriented version of a card game. Crazy 8's or go fish where the number of players can vary and the "AI" is simple.

And if you really want to focus on modularity, I'd say write this game from scratch in Java. It's a language that definitely prods you towards modularity. Everything is in a class. One class per file. With that constraint, most developers learn to think carefully about how to organize code, and the lessons learned can be used in any language.

Comment Re:So... can they do it pre-breakup? (Score 2) 528

The rule of law is, at its core, a way to protect one party's rights against the actions of another party. Government is the messy system we have devised to enforce said rules. This is clearly a case where one party's reasonable expectation of privacy is violated by the actions of another party. In particular, consider homemade sex videos made by a couple which are later distributed by an angry ex. Law or no law, people are going to sue.

This sort of "revenge porn" apparently happens often enough with current technology that citizens have started to use their democratic powers to push for laws indicating what behavior is a violation of others rights with regard to sexual images. Fortunately, as a democracy, we are a government of the people, which is why "government is sticking its[sic] nose into business like this."

As you have pointed out, extenuating circumstances may exist which make the law subject to interpretation. Guilt may be difficult to determine. That's not a new problem - all law is subject to interpretation. Property lines, who punched who first, etc. It's all a mess which fails algorithmic decomposition. Fortunately there are courts specifically designed to handle this sort of thing.

Comment Re:When you don't want a reference (Score 1) 892

I live in Georgia and I don't get paid for unused vacation when I leave a job. When I lived in California, I did get paid for unused vacation time when I left a job.

Look for the following wording which applies in several states, including Georgia:

"An employer may lawfully establish a policy or enter into a contract denying employees payment for accrued vacation leave upon separation from employment."

Comment Re:Serious problem (Score 1) 289

> The problem is that most phone vendors (basically all except Google) never update the Android system after the phone is released.

Even Google doesn't keep Android up to date on older devices. The once-flagship Nexus One, introduced in 2010, only got official updates for about a year, taking it from version 2.1 to 2.3.6.

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