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Comment Who is more linked in? (Score 1) 276

Jang Sung-taek lifted himself to the power in his 20s via marriage. It is safe to say that he has had 40 years to build social networks within the North Korean elite.

Kim Jong Un is a heir to a communist tyrant but we didn't hear from him until 2009. It is quite safe to assume that he has had only four years of time to make alliances with the North Korean elite, military and Workers party - and only two years as a ruler.

Jang Sung-taeks network of people was most likely within the Workers Party of North Korea.

I would say that people who knew Jang Sung-taek is most likely in thousands and people who valued him is also very high. My guess is that now the fat boy has to be extra paranoid - he can not possibly know the extent of J.S-t's social network. Some of J-S.t's friend may have guns, or just a knives, and as we can see Kim Jong Un is not fat enough to be stab proof. I am expecting that North Korea may go to a bloody revolt after all.

Comment Re:Who created the damages in the frist place ? (Score 2) 59

Yes, I find this quite strange case indeed. Roman Vega was arrested in 2003. He has been incarcerated in USA since then. He is a Ukrainian citizen. He was accused of credit card theft and had to wait TEN YEARS to get his conviction. Now, since he is a first timer, and his ten years in jail must be counted in - shouldn't he be freed immediately? He is not a terrorist and the pre-2003 systems his hackers were exploiting were literally stone-age systems without any double or triple verification procedures.

Naturally the biggest question is that if this guy is only a operator of cybercrime www-site in Ukraine then what the hell he is doing in USA? Terrorism and murder I would understand but credit card crimes committed in the 90s and early 00s simply is an unjustified reason to kidnap foreign citizens and make them wait ten years to get their conviction. If your payment systems are so broken that 3rd world hackers have free reign over them you don't arrest the 3rd world hackers, you repair your payment systems. It would have taken less time and taxpayers' money than send FBI and Secret Service, kidnap this guy, jail him, hold legal processes for ten years and then jail him some more. Sugar on top is: USA has to loan the money to do all this.

Well, perhaps some United States citizen can explain this to me?

Comment Re:A simpler approach (Score 2) 151

Actually no.

Researchgruppen is an ultra-leftist organization, run by people who have committed assaults. They are offering a 50 000 SKR bounty for someone to hack the Flashback site to de-anonymize their political opponents there.

These "racist" sites are the ones which post news without Swedish white pixelization and political correctness. However it is true that there are comments which are negative - just like comments in any media outlet.

What Expressen and Researchgruppen did was that they de-anonymized their political opponents. They are also targeting people who have nothing to do with Swedish Democrats, just ordinary people who disagree with the nation wide consensus of immigration and do not want lose their jobs for expressing their opinions.

As a Finnish citizen I am very worried of the state of democracy in Sweden. Swedish media is hell bent to destroy Swedish Democrats and they use any means. Swedish ultra left is extremely violent and seems to enjoy total freedom. It is not the ultra right or racists who do the majority of political violence in Sweden.

Outing political opponents and making a illegal registers of identities breaks Swedish and EU laws. Harassing people because of this also breaks laws, anonymous or not, people have right to express their opinions in the network and ordinary citizens can not expect to be chased by the media or extremely violent political groups because of that.

We Finns always joke how Swedes "Diskuterar" so much of everything but it seems we are little bit outdated on that belief. Swedish media do not want to have civilized discussion and extremist groups are using violence to advance their cause.

Comment Self driving car is not the cheapest car (Score 1) 736

Kinda funny that everyone seems to miss one point - it is money. Self driving car is not going to be like a cheap Android tablet made in China for $40. It is not a simple thing "just add another CPU", it is a car wide system of sensors, computers and other devices to control the car. What this means is that it is never going to be as cheap as a car without AI. I haven't seen a car where the options would reduce the price, why would this be different? My prediction is that we will see AI cars coming to market very soon. They will cost +10k, maybe even more when compared to human driven models. Prices will come down when those are sold in millions. However there will be lots of people who can not afford a self driving car. What we will have is a mixture of AI premium cars navigating around poor people in human driven cars. Since AI cars cannot avoid human errors the biggest benefits will go to insurance companies. "That redneck wrecked my self driving Mercedes-Benz with his shitbox!" Guess who is paying all that? You.

Comment Finally a solution to overpopulation (Score 1) 1034

Wow, but isn't this perfect news for all who are worried of declining natural resources as a result of overpopulation? This behavior should be encouraged, not ridiculed or presented as an "alarming problem". Where is the problem? If women finish their studies more often than men and become leaders of the workplace and politics then we are in a women driven world. If these masses of Alpha Females feel that there is a mating problem then perhaps they should start making the first moves?

I remember seeing a ST:TNG episode of women driven society where men were the weaker sex and Riker had to wear some embarrassing clothes to please locals. :)

Comment Finland, three new nuke plants coming (Score 5, Interesting) 130

Too bad we were forgotten from TFA, in 2009 Google placed their server farm to an old paper mill in Hamina. Now the 5th nuclear power plant (1800MW, what we buy from abroads now) is "soon" completed (before 2015 I hope) and two more are coming.

We have cheap co2 free electricity and cold weather. I believe Finland is going to get a lot of data centers because in addition of chilly weather and good infrastructure here companies can buy a portion of nuclear power producer and get tax free electricity from their "own" nuclear power station. Other Nordic countries do not have such arrangements, there you pay the market price of electricity even if you own a power producer.

Comment Re:Is the unthinkable possible? (Score 1) 461

Yeah, if we continue with KISS principle:

- Roadblock IEDs - these may be complete unnecessary. Rent or steal fuel trucks and park them so that you can remotely detonate their fuel cargo on fire. Much more effective and takes a lot of time to put them out. IEDs make just craters (and are hard to make in these sizes) but tens of tons fuel make a burning lake and lots of smoke. Harder to bypass if you place them strategically near bridges or other places where congestion bypass takes a lot of time.

- If weapons predetonate then the game is over, it is impossible to collect plutonium droplets spread around.

- This was assumed to be a non-convoy transport without black helicopters or disguised military trucks carrying infantry.

- Citizens carrying firearms - not a problem. Dress yourself a fireman and steal/paint your truck to fire department colours. Or dress as an ambulance personel and park an Ambulance next to the crime scene.

I am glad you didn't ask about the 2) - it is missing because of a typo. :)

Comment Re:Is the unthinkable possible? (Score 1) 461

Your plot is too complicated. The foremost motive to steal a nuclear warhead is *not* to obtain a out-of-a-box working bomb - no - what you are after is plutonium metal. Everything else is rubbish. All bombs have very sophisticated dial-a-yield mechanisms and conditional detonation systems which render them useless for terrorists. So - forget the 50-man team making an epic firefight with ex-navy seals etc. If nuclear warheads are actually transported without convoys then you need two, maybe just one man to steal it.

Here is how:

1) A roadside bomb so powerful that it will destroy the tractor and the container. Two other under road bombs blocking all access to the site.

3) Small aircraft stored nearby where you have 500 yards of reasonably solid and even surface, a field will do in most cases. A good and simple plane with autopilot, like Cessna 182, is a good choice.

4) Fire extinguishers, metal cutting tools, hand trolley.

5) A lorry, a van, something parked 100km away. Just make sure it is well outside of 30min scrambling radius of any AF base.

What to do:

- Wait until the nuclear transport arrives.
- Detonate IEDs and eat popcorn while watching how the fireball kills the truck driver and ex navy seal "nuclear guard". Watch how the container breaks open and the secondary explosions finish the show. Other IEDs have blocked all direct road access to the scene giving you the 10 minutes you need.
- Locate warhead from the container and put out fires, if any. Use metal tools, if needed, to extract the warhead.
- Carry the warhead to the aircraft. (warheads are usually less than 200kg)
- Take off, set the autopilot course to the direction where your getaway vehicle is parked
- Parachute both you and the warhead when you reach the vicinity of you getaway car - remember to set the autopilot before you leave.
- Enjoy your freedom and laugh when goverment X is making the greatest firework show out of that autopiloted Cessna.

Now you have most sought out metal of this universe and can do all sorts of business with it.

Cost of all this is less than 30 000USD - then again with that amount of money you can probably bribe some Pakistani dude giving you the keys to that nuclear transporting lorry. Add a zero, or two zeros, to that number and you have an American nuclear bomb. Hell, it is still a bargain if it is intact and costs only $3M. :)

Comment Re:Metric-metric-metric please (Score 1) 303

One thing more:

From TFA, this is comedy gold: "Both types of cooling systems will also kill fish by sucking them into equipment or trapping them against intake screens, but the once-through method is more deadly because it diverts more water than does a closed-cycle system."

Well, now when we know that the flow is 2.1 cubic meters per second. Lets assume that the nuke plant wants to build a super small intake screen, like 5m x 2m, now, how FISH-CRUSHING is this 2.1m3 flow through this screen? It is 500cm x 200cm x 20cm, which is twenty centimeters per second. That is eight inches of FISH-CRUSHING per second. I'm from the country of thousands of lakes and while swimming in our crystal clear waters I have not seen a fish that slow, not small or big.

Hey! You American fish. You disappoint me.

Comment Metric-metric-metric please (Score 1) 303

Time after time again you Americans are fed with articles which can not make any sense to you - not even to the most hard core imperial system users.
Lets translate some of the numbers of this article to the Human Readable units:

Power station has a grant to take 17 billion gallons of water annually.

Translation to human readable units which have some meaning:

17 billion US gallons = 64 352 000.3 m3 / year

How much that is per second?

66114626.5m3 / 365d = 181135 m3/d

181136m3 / 24h = 7574m3/d

7547m3/60min = 125m3/min

125m3 / 60s = 2.1m3/s

So, there you have it. Your shiny new nuke can take TWO POINT ONE CUBIC meters per second of water from a river which has average discharge of 172m3/second. Whoop-di-doo, this thing will KILL THIS RIVER AND AMERICA TOO... or how about NO?

From the Blue river www-site:

"The Blue Castle Project has leased water rights for 53,600 acre feet per year, already approved by the Utah State Division of Water Rights for coal fired power plants. These coal plants were never built and years later the water remains unused."

Writer of TFA should drown herself.. to the metric system and facts.

Comment Re:How is the "Drake Equation" filling in so far? (Score 1) 745

Yes, this is a good thing. When we have a good estimate of how many stars have planets and how many of them are in the habitable zone we can start counting for the day when we are supposed to get an answer from the stars.

The idea behind this quite simple:

Someday, hopefully not too far away in future, our radio emissions will have formed a sphere in space which includes statistically enough planets to have one with intelligent life.

It doesn't matter how advanced they are. Even if they use -communication by magic- or live in some virtual environment it is more than likely that they are interested observing the space. No matter how advanced you are but a mountain sized rock is a nasty thing if it hits you without a warning.

Maybe they even have radio amateurs of their world still tinkering with eons old designs. Advanced civilization will detect our noise and send a reply. Most likely it will be the exactly same thing we have been sending - decoding instructions with mathematics and then some basic "hello there, we are here" message. The only sad thing is that there is no FTL or instant communications. Our communications will be glacial slow, but it is / would be still better than nothing.

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