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Comment Already Better Than New Opera (Score 3, Interesting) 158

The original dream we hardcore Opera users had was replacing the Presto engine with Blink, but wrapping it with the feature-full Opera interface experience. That was more a pipe dream. Vivaldi already has more of the old Opera features than the new one does. It's a technology preview, so it's got a lot of rough edges, but the spirit of the old Opera is there.

Comment Read the Book (Score 2) 299

It's way better than the Blade Runner movie, although the movie depicts the feel of the environment incredibly well. The story is pretty thin, though, compared with Dick's story. Dick turned down an option to write a "dumbed-down" (that is, change the Rosen Corporation's name to Tyrell Corporation, wink wink nudge nudge!) version of his story for publication with the movie release.

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