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Comment Re:Zeroth Response (Re:Feds taking no responsibili (Score 1) 212

Typical big city thinking, waiting on the government to fix things.

Really...doctors know what to do. What they don't know, and what they don't want to get involved are producing or procuring equipment, facilities and so on, And there is no connection/correlation in your analogy of a hurricane and rural communities vs Corona virus.

You sir or madam, I believe is a typical repub no government starve the beast believing idiot. And who has no compunction in obtaining a check or subsidy or medical care when its needed...in short a hypocrite.

Comment Re:If OP is correct, this is the only one. (Score 2) 277

As a result, over time, Sweden's per-capita GDP went from #4 in the world to #14.

Unless you can prove the GDP sliding from 4 to 14 is directly the result of this specific incentive you are only doing false correlation.

What about the other countries, especially the BRIC region growing? Compared to BRICS and other Asian Tigers Sweden is smaller.

Comment WTF is Cortana? (Score 1) 48

After many years I had to use Win 10 - at work, they upgraded from Win 7. Same HW, same SSD.

Its as useful or useless like Win 7, but slower than Win 7. Simple actions like calling a binary like Winzip takes far more time on Win 10 than on Win 7. I have no idea why!

And after four months I have not seen Cortana...maybe they disabled in a corp IT environment.

I am typing this on a Linux Mint...the stablest system I have seen in my life.

Comment Coding in 2020 (Score 1) 143

Coding is easy and difficult. In 2020 you may not need a school to teach you.

Today, if you are using a popular language or framework, 99% of the problems already have a solution, or you get something close which you can adapt. There is nothing inherently wrong in copy-pasting, its better than re-inventing the wheel. That said you should know what you are doing.

Today, I had to write a small function to increment a Date by one, for the whole year for multiple years in a loop. I found a sample piece of code, something close to what I had to accomplish, took me an hour to modify, test and run.

Would I be able to write a function without referring? Yes. But I don't see the need. And this is modern programming.

Comment Re:revenue doubled yet content creators shafted (Score 1) 73

Yahoo could've given good competition to YouTube. They had the brand, they had the money, they were in the same space.

The two verticals Yahoo should have focused was a version of Google News and YouTube. Simple portals with no blinking flashing ads would be a starting point.

The problem was their management. A bunch of nincompoops.

I was stupid enough to write to Marissa Mayer when she took charge of Yahoo. As expected did not hear back, neither they considered such ideas.

Comment Security theater (Score 1) 113

If folks are amused by the security show of TSA and other agencies in US...wait till they see what happens in countries like India.

Here is an example: boarding an international flight - especially Air India from an airport like Bombay...you have to clear security three times by three different agencies *after* you get your boarding pass. What they are trying to do is mysterious.

Indian bureaucracy is Kafka on steroids. At a nuclear plant they will have gun toting soldiers guarding every entrance and multiple gates, but no clue on anything connected to cybersecurity, using GMAIL or Hotmail accounts, and maybe WhatsApp.

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