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Comment Re:Why not open source wolfram alpha? (Score 1) 210

Well, a blackbox proof is useful -- a doubter can submit something that generates an error.

If I were him, I'd strike a deal with Google.for all the formulae they've come across.

For that matter, there are other math engines, and probably an alternate development one in-house, and you can test them against each other with random inputs until you find a discrepancy.

I've done that myself with algorithms several times -- the "real" one against another, less-efficient and different one.

They debug each other. It's my experience code inspection is a useful but inferior tool to this approach (for non-malicious discrepancies.)

Comment Re:Contract survived estate (Score 1) 148

That's the purpose of copyright extending X years past death -- so the holder can negotiate deals with others, who can feel safe in investing in publication or other use, without fear a careening bus can take it all away tomorrow.

It would be meaningless if just the ownership right survived and not the contracts based on it.

Comment Re: Nothing is possible. (Score 5, Insightful) 249

You live in a fantasy world where those bad things are happening.

Meanwhile, in the real, actually-measured world, things are continuing to get better decade by decade.

If the west has come close to stagnating for a bit, it's because places like China are opening up and becoming more economically free. In short, the average health and wealth of economically free people continues to increase, exactly according to Julian Simon's simple, and not really controversial in the details, model.

Comment I'll bet a snake was involved (Score 0) 41

"The twins, about 36 to 40 weeks old, probably suffocated during their mother's troubled labor nearly 8,000 years ago."

But that's thousands of years before the earliest possible date for Adam amd Eve getting kicked from the Garden of Eden, with God's mandate that in pain shall ye labor.

No, no, no! Something about this just doesn't add up!

Comment Re:We need a distributed Tor immedietly (Score 1) 215

We're supposed to live in a free country, with a government with greatly restricted powers. Then, surveillance, crony capitalism, kickbacks to regulate your competition out of business, all that can't happen, and then who wins isn't some plum of godhood of control. That you panic over the possibility of "King Bush III" shows just how far down that unintended shithole of governance, away from freedom we have slid over the decades.

You are right, regardless of political side, to be terrified of who may win. This is the shitty country with unrestricted government you, and your past few generation of ancestors, have built.

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