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Comment Re:The difference... (Score 1) 140

So your suggesting that Glass be made more covert?

No, I think you're covering up the real issue - people like the freedom to lie and/or forget.

The real issue is context. What you see me doing, is not what I'm doing. It is what you think I'm doing. If you record it, and then play it for somebody else, then what they see is not only not what I'm doing, it is not what you think I'm doing. You are not recording my thoughts & emotions, nor does your recording include my entire life history. So, I don't want you slandering me to Google, et. all, by telling them I'm doing something that I'm not. And I definitely don't want the context to be distorted even further by such a recording being interpreted and reinterpreted, edited, and then interpreted again, for as long as Google decides it should be available, which Glass makes far more likely by virtue of reducing the effort to do so.

I wonder, though, what people will do once science eventually finds a way to play back memory? Will your very eyes and ears be as offensive as Glass?

Because that's the only difference - the ability to play it back. Everything witnessed by the Glass device is being witnessed by the wearer as well. It isn't the OBSERVATION that's the problem, but the playback.

Horrible. You start by saying how unreliable brains are, then say the only difference between human memory and a recorded image is the ability to play it back.

Our memory, besides forgetting stuff, is also non-deterministic. Every memory is impacted by future memories and emotions on the subject. A memory of you happily going to the ice cream shop can, 30 years later, be a horrible journey of agony because your parents love your sister more than you. If we get the ability to play back memories (and we no doubt will eventually), it will be no more or less reliable than a verbal explanation in determining what really happened, and thus no less irritating to some people as Glass is today.

Comment Re:The Canadian Exodus.... (Score 1) 1633

B) Crime is related to education. the better educated the general populace, the less violent crime there is. This has noting to do with firearms at all. We see this in countries regardless of gun laws.

So why focus on the 2nd Amendment, demonizing the NRA & their arguments, and restricting private gun ownership then? Stevens wants to talk about the "intelligent debate", while obviously ignoring this kind of argument. The anti-gun crowd is effectively saying "Guns don't kill people, people kill people; but we're going to get rid of guns because that will stop people from killing people", and calling it "intelligent debate".

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 5, Insightful) 1633

to pretend that the Founders meant anything other than general gun ownership is revisionism of the most extreme kind.

Absolutely. I think his misinterpretation (I won't get into whether or not I think its intentional) can be summed up in just a couple quotes from the article:

(and duty) to keep and bear arms when serving in a state militia.

First, here (emphasis mine). He has the 2nd amendment backwards. He is claiming a militia is a required piece of the Amendment. It isn't. A well-regulated militia is the goal of the amendment, and it accomplishes that by making sure the People, who would compose the militia should it be needed, have the weapons and experience using them.

But that (my) definition isn't even on his radar:

Constitutional provisions that curtail the legislative power to govern in this area unquestionably do more harm than good.

Granted he is talking specifically about Sandyhook styled shootings, but to say "unquestionably"? I question it. I think Sandyhook is an acceptable risk when it comes to gun ownership. Additionally, removing guns in this day & age is just wiping somebody's nose and claiming you cured their flu. McVeigh & Nichols filled a truck with gasoline and fertilizer. 9/11 used box-cutters & a plane. Technology improvements don't only make cell phones cheaper & more useful than the pony express, it also means explosives and other weapons (3-d printers anybody?) are cheaper & more useful than bows & arrows. So if you want to actually stop mass killings, then go after mass killings. Fund mental health research & treatment, balance wealth inequality, accept that public assistance is required in a world where technology is raising the education bar higher than most people can reach and that when public assistance is as laughable as it is today... the have-nots are going to be restless.

Incidentally, I think the 1939 Miller decision is wrong. Whether or not guns have some other lawful use is entirely irrelevant to the 2nd Amendment. Tanks, APCs, and F-16s even are relevant to a militia in today's technological world. Especially if you consider some of the original arguments behind the 2nd amendment: tyrannical governments abusing the people with the military, so you "outlaw" a standing army and rely on The People forming a militia for self-defense until a regular army can be formed. Requiring "some other lawful purpose" is putting an additional restriction, or infringement, on the right to own guns and preventing a militia from behind formed. And since it is easy enough to simply declare there is no other lawful purpose for any gun (Police fill the defense role, beef industry fills the hunting role, so, done), such logic invalidates the entire amendment. (Specifically to sawed-off shotguns, there is a place for them with today's style of house-to-house close-quarters fighting where unskilled shooters need to hit whatever baddy is directly in front of them without penetrating walls or the people behind them; there is even more of a reason as better guns are outlawed/restricted/demonized, thus severely limiting people's chances of learning to hit the broad side of a barn).


Emotional claims that the right to possess deadly weapons is so important that it is protected by the federal Constitution distort intelligent debate about the wisdom of particular aspects of proposed legislation designed to minimize the slaughter caused by the prevalence of guns in private hands.

Whereas I say no, they remind you that you're begging the question by simply assuming the debate has already moved on to "how to get guns out of the hands of mass-killers". Like I said above, people owning guns is not the problem. Revolutions don't happen just because people have guns. Mass killings don't happen just because people have guns. You don't have the flu just because your nose is runny (I like that analogy, so I'm using it again). Private gun ownership IS so important that it is protected by the Constitution, else it wouldn't have been mentioned, but, again, that is not the only argument for private gun ownership.

But lets talk about the "intelligent debate". I'll start by bringing up Fort Hood, the Washington Navy Yard, Christopher Dorner, Charles Whitman, and Franklin Regional High School (already touched on McVeigh) before I even ask: How does restricting gun ownership to a "well regulated milita" stop mass killings?

Of course the answer is: It doesn't. I'm sure Stevens would agree there, so I'll go into the followup question: What science based evidence do you have the says gun restrictions not only have a significant impact, but more of an impact than pursuing other avenues of violence reduction, such as mental health research & treatment, population density reduction, education, and/or resource equality; while at the same time assuring government abuse of its citizens can't or won't happen?

Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 1) 632

Yes, you can overtly accept debt when accepting assets, but you cannot take on stealth debt by accepting assets that appear to be free and clear when the estate is closed. That is a blatant violation of due process.

Some debts, such as social security over-payments, do survive the death of the original recipient in certain situations. This link describes some of those situations.

Furthermore, as you describe it "appear to be free and clear" is absolute bubkis. Acting in good faith may protect you from criminal prosecution, but does not transfer property free & clear just because you thought it was. Shit, just ask somebody that got kicked out of their "free & clear" inherited house once an old loan popped up (fyi: title companies are not responsible in such situations, even if they cleared the title).

If the IRS failed to give reasonable notice to the estate of the intention to attach a lien on assets, the debts are gone. They are creditors. Creditors who do not act in a timely manner when an estate is closing or a corporation is being liquidated are simply SoL.

You're making 2 very flawed assumptions here (with your entire post actually):
1. That the Federal Government follows the same laws as a private entity in this or any other matter
2. That the law follows common sense.

Neither are true.

Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 1) 632

Reading back through the thread, it looks like most everyone is thinking the same thing but disagreeing because of different terminology. The key misunderstanding in this thread relates to the situation where the liabilities are equal to, or larger than, the assets and the heirs-to-be want some of the assets.

You and Cyberax are calling the situation "inheriting debt", whereas I think it's more realistically described as accruing new debt in exchange for certain assets otherwise owed to the creditors. If you choose not to accrue this new debt to retain the estate's collateral, there's no way the estate's debt would pass on to you. The debt belongs solely to the estate and can't be inherited.

Ya. Whatever the terminology is, it seems people understand things. So, close enough. :)

Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 2) 632

The estate is the remaining assets and liabilities of the deceased. Once assets are inherited, they no longer belong to the deceased's estate (as the estate, a legal construct, ceases to exist once liabilities are settled and assets are transferred).

You're missing a key logic point there (or misstating your point). If there are debts, any debts except federally secured student loans, the estate is responsible for paying them off. You only inherit stuff once all debts are paid. Therefore, if you've inherited anything, it is only because all debts were satisfied: either paid, forgiven, or assumed by the inheritor.

Belmolis has it nearly correct. The last sentence fragment ", but they never inherit any debt." is the only misleading portion. Inheritors can and do inherit debt, but only when they choose to (mortgage on a house, loan on a car, or, as Cyberax pointed out, any other debt to avoid sentimental items from being auctioned to pay said debt).

Comment I don't have all the answers... (Score 3, Informative) 588

But I might have one.

Plait wondered:

Also, botulinum is the single most lethal toxin known to humans. Yet McCarthy has enthusiastically praised injecting this toxin into her face. How can anyone possibly say that and also say vaccines have dangerous levels of toxins in them with a straight face?

Partial facial paralysis. Duh.

Comment Re: Webster's (Score 1) 126

When you are trying to make a buck off of other people's work, and book clients on work you are misrepresenting, there is a serious problem.

I don't need copyright, fraud, or theft explained to me, thanks. Nor does any explanation of why "action x, y, & z is bad" justify vigilantism.

Now I'm curious why a demonstrated ignorance of history with the likes of "Why is vigilantism bad?" is considered "insightful", but a clear historical precedence based answer is "overrated"? Probably too many moderators so its too easy for topics to be hijacked by "+1 agree" mods. Don't know. Would be interesting research.

Comment Re:Webster's (Score 1) 126

Considering the plethora of "Original source unknown" descriptions

Plethora? Eight out of fifty-two is a plethora? We have different meanings for that word, I guess.

There are more than 52 image pairings if you bothered to actually look over the site. I'm not only talking about Brett & Jizelle. But since you're talking about that post exclusively, I'm sure you saw the update

Update 04/09/2013

Updated a few original sources that I had as unknown.

Regardless of when the original was found, they still don't indicate how or if they've identified the actual copyright owners or how the offending site got a hold of them.

I'm not doubting Brett & Jizelle being douche-bags. I think the evidence presented is rather compelling and their canned, expected response of blaming the nameless, faceless, "already gone so there is no point in pursuing it" ex-employee only serves to seal the deal. I think that much of the time, vigilantes like this are doing a public service. However I also think the negatives of being wrong outweigh any possible benefit of their actions because safer, lawful, working measures are already in place to deal with this kind of situation.

The vigilante debate is quite old. You asked how its a problem, the answer is well known.

Comment Re:Webster's (Score 1) 126

So, how is it bad? Just like any other form of vigilantism, it's not, until they get it wrong. Then some honest photographer or artist gets to live with the stigma, and reduced business, from being labeled a thief.

If they're innocent, then they can prove they bought copyright, or were tricked. Problem solved.

Right. And I'm sure every accused criminal that was later exonerated suffered no ill-effects. They've never failed to get a job due somebody seeing the original, but not the fix.

You'll have to bring something new to the 1000 year old "Is vigilantism a good thing" debate if you want to continue.

Comment Re:Plan not grandfathered and minimum standard. (Score 1) 723

To follow up on this.. I actually had an employer plan once that had a maximum annual payout of $1500. Not MY out-of-pocket maximum, the Insurers out-of-pocket maximum. I took one test for Sleep Apnea and I was done. They refused to pay for anything else the rest of the year. When I confronted my employer about it, they said "Well, it's cheap, and contractors don't tend to care about health insurance". That particular employer didn't offer any other plans. Oh, and my payment for this plan? About $1500 a year.

Some health plans really NEEDED to be eliminated, as they were little more than fraud.

Why would you sign up for a plan that costs $1500 but only pays a maximum of $1500?

Did you not read it? Or fail to realize that a $1500 cap / $1500 premium is a wash that basically guarantees you're losing money every year?

And you're a contractor with a health plan?

Your story does not sound very believable to me.

Comment Re:Webster's (Score 0) 126

vigilante ... noun -s often attributive Etymology: Spanish, watchman, guard, from vigilante, adjective, watchful, vigilant, from Latin vigilant-, So, yes. But what's your point? The site shows original pictures and then their rip-offs. This is bad how?

None of those images detail whether or not the copyright was transferred. Nor do they explain how the suspected infringer obtained the image (Did they rip it off the web, or buy a stock photo package while being assured everything was legit?)
Considering the plethora of "Original source unknown" descriptions of those pairings, it seems the investigation into whether or not it actually is infringing is still ongoing.

So, how is it bad? Just like any other form of vigilantism, it's not, until they get it wrong.
Then some honest photographer or artist gets to live with the stigma, and reduced business, from being labeled a thief. That kind of branding never goes completely away no matter what kind of redaction is published on the shaming site.

I think public shaming is a great way to deal with people that actually steal stuff. But the point of doing the whole C&D letter followed by a lawsuit is to give everybody a chance to have their say before the punishments start.

Comment Re:Easy fix (Score 1, Funny) 322

I'd throw tampering and obstruction charges in on the second offense.

Ah, I see you're new to the whole "filing charges" thing. The correct filing should include (but is absolutely not limited to):

Evidence tampering, hindering an investigation, obstruction of justice, vandalizing government property, theft, fraud, abusing authority, circumventing electronic security, computer hacking, assault, providing material support to terrorists, and a "conspiracy to commit" of every one of those charges.

Comment Re:Slashdot at its finest (Score 1) 156

I doubt Sarten-X has an editor budget.

Somewhere in here, there's a joke about FLOSS text editors and the ensuing flame wars, but I just can't think of a good way to phrase it.

I have a plugin that could help with that phrasing, but I don't remember how to run it...

Well then, time to put in for an IT budget too. :)

Comment Re:That makes it worse (Score 1) 156

but can't, in a 1000 years, just "whip up" a quality OS.

Remind me again how did Linux come into existance?

Are you trying to imply that Linus wrote it in a vacuum, by himself, without GNU, MINIX, Unix, or the public's help, like a blogger writing a story all by himself without an editor, research team, or a guaranteed audience no matter what crap he spits out?

If you truly think his involvement in Linux was as complete as a blogger's involvement on a story so much so that you feel your rhetorical question repudiates my points instead of merely pedantically attacking a blogger quality spur-of-the-moment analogy... then I'm not sure where our discussion can go after this. It seems I strongly disagree with you.

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