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Comment Re:Boys are naturally curious... (Score -1) 608

The trend is for people like you to shit on the lives of women by teaching them that they aren't allowed to be curious, and punishing them when they are.

Oh just shut the fuck up.

Women aren't curious about your pathetic computer system for one reason only: because it's a worthless piece of shit. Whether it's running Windows, Linux, or iOS is irrelevant: THEY ARE ALL GARBAGE, and you're an asshole for trying to get more people involved with your SHIT. No woman in her right mind wants to fuck around with C++ or any of that other bullshit that you think is so glorious and wonderful. In fact, most women would rather have their eyeballs gouged out with a spoon. Instead of crying about it or blaming "misogynists," how about inventing something wonderful that an intelligent woman actually wants to participate in? Until then, take your compiler and your Linux Mint and shove it up your asshole sideways.

Comment Re:google is a search engine (Score -1) 160

Society does. Society makes laws,

Wrong, asshole. The bankers and the corporate lobbyists are the ones who make laws.

and people are expected to follow those laws, whether or not they believe in them personally, or face the consequences. If they disagree, they should get the laws changed, and not simply break them.

Wrong, asshole.

  "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." - Thomas Jefferson

I will download whatever I please, freely, because FUCK YOU--that's why. And there isn't shit you can do about it.

Comment Re:Just tell me (Score -1) 463

imple. because those persons can go to a third country and then travel from there. it creates an impetus for persons from West Africa to simply try to evade such controls. this would of course worsen the situation, not improve it.

You're a moron. Stop repeating idiotic government propaganda.

The reason the flights aren't being stopped is because the government WANTS this virus to spread.

Comment Re:A solution in search of a problem... (Score -1) 326

"As a frequent pedestrian and bicyclist, I am disgusted by your logic."

As a patriot, I'd disgusted by your cowardice.

"Next you'll argue that the penalties for DUI are too strict."

Driving a vehicle after drinking a beer or two should not be a crime. And wasn't really a crime, back when this country used to be great. Unfortunately it's been overrun by sissies like you who expect to remain perfectly safe and secure at all times.

Comment Re:Has too many problems (Score -1) 364

No, the first offense should be a $5000.00 fine, the second offense should be a $10000.00 fine and loss of your license for one year, third offense should be $10000.00 fine, 6 months in jail, and permanent loss of your license.

That's all fucktards such as yourself understand, isn't it? Crime and punishment. There isn't a problem in America today that excessively large fines and/or lifetime imprisonment won't fix, amirite?

Look in the mirror: YOU are what's wrong with this country.

I am forced by circumstances to commute 100 miles a day,

No you aren't, shit for brains. You CHOSE to drive so much. News flash: DRIVING IS DANGEROUS. If you don't like it, stop driving. Those are your options. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure YOUR safety on the road.

Comment Re:Do you REALLY need that text message? (Score -1) 364

Because you almost certainly don't need the information that moment and too many people can't resist the temptation to text while driving.

It's not your job to tell me what I "need" or don't need. I will decide that for myself.

You'll survive without the text and as a result so will some other people.

No, I will survive with the text, and so will you and everyone else, as much as it might make your pussy hurt.

Good for you but that doesn't establish any compelling need for you to receive or send a text message while driving.

I do not have to explain or justify my actions to you or to anyone else.

I'm willing to be convinced but "because I want to" isn't a good enough argument for me given the safety issues involved.

Nobody is interested in trying to convince you of anything. Your opinion is irrelevant.

Do you stop at stop lights even when there is no traffic?


Sometimes part of living in a civil society is dealing with a little personal inconvenience to ensure safety and order.

Fuck you and fuck your "civil" society. If you are too much of an irresponsible coward to live your life without Big Brother holding your hand every step of the way, that's YOUR problem...not mine.

Maybe you are the responsible one (I have not reason to doubt it) but since the rest of us have no way to be sure of that you might have to deal with having to wait for that text message to arrive.

Nope. I will continue texting and there is nothing you can do about it, pussy.

People who text while driving are every bit as dangerous as people who drink and drive.

You are a moron.

There are plenty of studies that support this.

Yes, there are studies out there which will support any conclusion that a useful idiot such as yourself wishes to reach.

While anecdotal, I actually know more people who have been in accidents caused by distracted (texting) driving than by drunk drivers.

Maybe you should spend more time practicing defensive driving techniques, and/or move out of whatever shithole you reside in.

Texting is the leading cause of death for teen drivers.

Bullshit. The leading cause of death for teen drivers is being a teen driver.

Comment Re:Anti-competitive behavior is a big deal (Score -1) 312

No, dumb ass.

Keep in mind they would not be facing these injunctions if they were playing by the same rules as the competition.

Keep in mind that the world would be 10,000,000x better place if these FUCKING STUPID "RULES", and the dumb asses who cheer for them, did not exist.

It is kinda like a street vender skipping on sales tax, of course they can offer lower prices if they do not have to pay taxes, but that is pretty unfair to the stores that are collecting it.

You know what's really unfair? TAXATION. It's equivalent to armed robbery. Only the stupid pay taxes.

Comment So fucking what? (Score -1) 300

Why does this belong on Slashdot?

Because it's important, imbecile. If you don't like it, LEAVE.


Obviously this reduces the incentive for terrorist groups to post such content, by shrinking their audience,

It "obviously" does no such thing, fucktard, and that you are sure it "obviously" does is why you are stupid.

Comment Here's a free clue (Score -1) 338

nd don't even try to guess how I vote. OTOH, I actual watch CSPAN, read bills, and find the context for any statement a politician make that is reported in the media.

And you're wasting your time with all of that bullshit, because VOTING DOES NOT WORK.

If you think voting changes anything, you're clueless. But then again we already knew that from reading your "Republican vs Democrats" bullshit. Fact: BOTH RED AND BLUE TEAMS ARE WORKING AGAINST YOU.

Comment Re:Let's face it: desktop Linux is a piece of shit (Score -1) 727

I'm not mocking, but people's reaction depends on how you phrase your argument.

There is not an argument I can phrase in any way which will result in Linux Mint, Ubuntu, or any of these other idiots pulling their heads out of their assholes. They are determinated to be mediocre dipshits.

Yours looked reasonable until the third paragraph, but turned into a flame itself after that.

So fucking what? If these fucktards can't figure out how to do a good job, they deserved to get flamed every day until they give up programming and go back to mopping floors.

I am always complaining about certain Linux issues on more technical forums than this one, but I think I am nevertheless respected for making my points effectively.

What I want is excellence, not "respect", from some useless dipshits who don't understand what either of those words even mean. What the fuck good is it to be "respected" for your opinions, if nothing ever changes?

There is indeed a lot wrong with Linux (it's certainly not "gold"); but I use it because the alternatives are even worse IMHO.

So do I. I use Linux only because the alternatives are worse. Pretty sad statement about the current pathetic state of computing, isn't it?

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
