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Comment Re:They realized how badly they screwed up (Score 2) 176

The movie probably sucks. But bowing down to pressure from North Korea is ridiculous.

I am sure Hitler did not like The Great Dictator, but if he had tried to blackmail a US company into cancelling it, we would have laughed at him.

Sony should have done the same. I don't care what they got from the stolen emails, the only way to deal with terrorists demanding obedience is a bullet to their head, not a bow to to their feet.

How tough would you be if a foreign government had you singled out and was threatening your kids or spouse?

Just curious internet tough guy.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ferguson 2 4

So I'm seeing a bunch of wailing and caterwauling from the Left about how the riots hurt minority owned businesses...

Comment Re:Such a shame (Score 1) 38

To bad your faction is aiding and abetting, actually scaring people (but not too many, lest you upset the carefully cultivated 50-50 split that keeps the game going) into voting for democrats with the 'crazy' act.

Crazy, you say? Here's crazy, with a smattering of stupid thrown in. Ladies and gentlemen, the modern liberal:

Hank Johnson, D-GA
Sheila Jackson Lee, D-TX
Calvacade of Liberal Democrats
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ferguson 38

Told You So

And then I went further.

Now I'm going to tell you the rest:

The protests are nothing more than an attempt at a Reichstag fire, an effort to give Chairman Zero reason to declare martial law - for "social justice" (which of course, is not justice).

Comment Re:Here's a question you won't answer (Score 1) 23

You know nothing of my family or where I came from.

So here it is in a nutshell:

I worked my ass off working shitty fast food jobs to pay my own way through college, got a degree, and a good job. Had nothing to do with my "family connections" or "white privilege" or any other lame ass excuse used by people that don't have any success.

YOU are to blame for your failures in life. Not your family upbringing, not your race, or any other secondary attribute.

Comment Re:Here's a question you won't answer (Score 1) 23

Considering I'm originally from Toledo, Ohio -- not far from Milan, Ohio, and seeing as how Thomas Edison was able to put his gifts to good use despite being born into a poor family and having health issues, I'll take those odds.

I have earned everything I have. I would have no problem doing that in any era.

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