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Comment not going to be very fast (Score 1) 107

back in the day — with TRS80 300 baud cassette loading — we thought 300 bps was pretty SSSSLLLOOOWWW..

they managed the blazing speed 20bps (bits per second) at 3 meters using 18khz carrier frequency — and that had a faint clicking sound.

20 bps is slower than most people type — you're not going to be transmitting any high-res jpeg images this way..

good enough to capture and transmit a password though, or to do command-control type actions.

heh heh — transmitting a spy app between nodes as a payload could take weeks..

when they made it quieter so you couldnt hear the slight clicking sound — the range was

Comment free as in beer, not as in speech (Score 1) 314

OSX mavericks is free — as in beer; but not free as in speech.

linux is free (as in speech), but may not be free as in beer (since open source companies typically charge for services and not software).

OSX is free (as in beer). but only employs 'free as in speech' to parts of the whole system — they lockdown the engine, and use & contribute to open source — significantly, the darwin kernel is actually open source, and they use open protocols (xml).

either of these is still better than windows 8.1 (which still uses closed NT filesystem, no open source kernel — and windows hood, and document formats are all bolted shut).

Comment good power management is a lot of work (Score 1) 558

ya — iOS was designed for power management from the get-go, whereas windows is just DOS with a GUI bolted on, and then internet/network bolted on, and then windows NT grafted in, and then surface and mobile bolted on, and legacy background CPU processes and general bloat and cruftiness just cant keep down the CPU usage to match power dedicated hardware — and with the latest iOS 7 — time coalescing of tasks and threads so the power doesnt havent to run as continuously — windows 7 wont match that feature for years — take a look at your task manager, and look at all those crufty old DLLs and processes — you cant get rid of them, so you just need more battery juice — if you're running java — that's just extra processor juice over running native code, so things like that take a hit on battery life too. also — the typical CISC processors used by windows are more complex, and inherently require more power than processors like the ARM which were designed with power management in mind. you would have to recompile all your apps to work well with processor features and methods.

Comment if it quacks like a duck (Score 1) 401

since we cant know the decision making process for an agent external to ourselves, we devise a turing test — which says nothing more than if it quacks like a duck, it IS a duck (and never mind that we decieve ourselves with decoys and clever ploys).

however, for our own agency, we can raise the exceptional condition and follow the path through introspection — which is fraught with subjective bias.. if we attain some objectivity in our own comiserations — we do find that almost everything we do is actually conditioned through habit and dispositions — if we just tested 90% of what we do, we would see that most of it actually is Not Free — but there's these times when occasions arise, when we have the ability to attain intuitive insight into our situation, and then we have the opportunity to add something new to the world — a decision based on a consciously based action — and we push that little pebble of freedom forward one more notch. like the dot on the 'i' — it may be a smallest part — barely a breath, but sometimes — for those who attain to it — it can make all the difference..

2cents from toronto island,
john penner

Comment Re:Well they COULD put a backdoor in some OSS... (Score 3, Interesting) 407

yeah — like ken thompson's C compiler exploit:

For debugging purposes, Thompson put a back-door into “login”. The way he did it was by modifying the C compiler. He took the code pattern for password verification, and embedded it into the C compiler, so that when it saw that pattern, it would actually generate code
that accepted either the correct password for the username, or Thompson’s special debugging password. In pseudo-Python:

    def compile(code):
        if (looksLikeLoginCode(code)):
With that in the C compiler, any time that anyone compiles login,
the code generated by the compiler will include Ritchie’s back door.

Now comes the really clever part. Obviously, if anyone saw code like what’s in that
example, they’d throw a fit. That’s insanely insecure, and any manager who saw that would immediately demand that it be removed. So, how can you keep the back door, but get rid of the danger of someone noticing it in the source code for the C compiler? You hack the C compiler itself:

    def compile(code):
        if (looksLikeLoginCode(code)):
        elif (looksLikeCompilerCode(code)):
What happens here is that you modify the C compiler code so that when it compiles itelf, it inserts the back-door code. So now when the C compiler compiles login, it will insert the back door code; and when it compiles
the C compiler, it will insert the code that inserts the code into both login and the C compiler.

Now, you compile the C compiler with itself – getting a C compiler that includes the back-door generation code explicitly. Then you delete the back-door code from the C compiler source. But it’s in the binary. So when you use that binary to produce a new version of the compiler from the source, it will insert the back-door code into
the new version.

So you’ve now got a C compiler that inserts back-door code when it compiles itself – and that code appears nowhere in the source code of the compiler.

Comment cmyk support (Score 1) 658

without base cmyk support, programmes like (good ol lovable) gimp will never be serious contenders against photoshop for production houses. with this, they're just making and charging for a dozen mandatory micro-upgrades per year instead of one big chunk once a year - for those who need it, they'll probably ante up, cause the tools actually are really good, and designed by good designers, and designers appreciate good tools. - still, im old fashioned.. you pay for software, you own it, and it should keep on working without artificial expiry bombs built-in. oh, and you have a right to backup and copy what you've paid for. - or you *should* - no matter what those lawyer types say. photoshop is to imagery what word is to words, and excel to spreadsheets - its well designed, and subscriptions suck.

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