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Comment Re:That explains this comment (Score 1) 120


"You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means." ... is a line from one of the most beloved movies of all time, a movie which would NEVER be made today because it's not a blockbuster so nobody would greenlight it. Movies, as an entertainment medium, are dying and nearly dead. In twenty years, there won't be anymore quotable quotes from beloved movies. There will be no more beloved movies at all. The silver screen has tarnished to a black void.

Comment Keep firing people (Score 1) 61

Don't worry, there's no chance laying off large numbers of competent people who know your industry can come back to bite you. What are they gonna do, form small, fast-moving startups to compete with you, utilizing new and better ideas that you are too entrenched to compete against? Ha, show me even once in the history of the tech industry when a quick, efficient upstart has blown the behemoth dinosaur out of the water. Go back to sleep, tech giants, there's nothing to fear on the horizon.

Comment Literally all they need to do... (Score 2) 286

...is encode the ads directly into the video stream coming from the CDN and there would be no possible way to block the ads. It wouldn't take much work, all the technical challenges with CDN shuffling to keep ads up-to-date are easily dealt with using their huge developer pool, and it would solve all their problems. So why don't they? Because what they ACTUALLY want is to kill ad blockers, on principle.

Comment 8,000 engineers on search, with 1,000 on quality (Score 1) 17

.... and those have all been replaced with a single disabled pigeon.

I haven't found google search useful for anything in at least a year, maybe a few years. The few times I've tried recently searching up error codes for fairly straightforward bugs, I've gotten ZERO results. Zero! Since when does google serve zero results for anything, let alone multiple queries of a technical nature? Nowadays I just ask ChatGPT and I usually get exactly what I'm looking for.

Comment Just as a test (Score 3, Interesting) 265

They should give one group of these people a income of $350k for a couple of years and see if they still want to kill themselves afterwards. I'll bet a lot of them are miserable because life is a hopeless slog, and if presented with a comfortable, stress-free living for a while they'd find it SO much easier to quit drugs and get back into a healthy life.

Comment Re:And full neural rendering is what? (Score 1) 131

I may be entirely wrong, but from what I'm gathering instead of carefully placing lighting and textures all over your scene, you just hand it the basic geometry and label it in some way like "this is an X" (this is a trash can, this is a cyber car, this is a rainswept street, this is a neon sign, etc) and the neural network paints it appropriately on the fly.

Comment Convergent evolution working overtime (Score 1) 175

Kinda weird how they have the same basic bone structure as a human. Almost like some ancient people took human and animal bones and crafted then together to form themselves a little religious artifact or something. But what do I know, I'm not a lawmaker.

Comment he also claimed they had a tardis (Score 1) 244

supposedly it's a red cube 30 meters on the outside but as big as a football field on the inside, wowwie, zowie, that's definitely a real thing that could exist. The dude is a crank making bank on an upcoming book deal. It's embarrassing anyone in or out of congress is taking this seriously. If you're dumb enough to believe any of this this, I've got genuine magic alien rocks to sell you for only a million dollars a piece, hurry up and buy them before the government silences the truth.

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