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Comment Interesting... but (Score 2, Funny) 78

It's interesting technology (both react and react native). But the javascript ecosystem and tooling is a bag of shit. People put up with it on the web because you don't have a choice. The only reasonable explanation for node.js to exist is that some people are too stupid to learn php. javascript on the server or desktop or pocket is a massive step backwards. But this caters to people who are too stupid to understand that so I'm sure it will be wild success. Sometimes I think intel is bankrolling the javascript hype to sell faster processors to compensate for slower and dumber code. I also wonder if wonder if wearing skinny jeans causes mind-numbing crotch pain to the point that, relatively speaking, javascript is a pleasure to use.

Comment MkLinux is pretty good (Score 2) 592

No offense, ninnle linux, but mklinux is pretty good. It's linux on top of the mach microkernel. (Think of it as a "fuck you" to gnu/hurd, though that's not why it exists :-). Since it's sponsored by Apple, it works better on Apple hardware than the stock linux kernel. Maybe now that Linux is using OS X and Sublime Text for linux development, we'll get better Macintosh support in the mainline kernel? Anyhow, mklinux is pretty cool.

Comment Re: RMSDS (Score 1) 551

There are plenty of Stallman parties. You know, people with one issue and one answer. "If we legalize meth, we can eliminate the deficit" (Legalize Meth Party). "If we lower the age of consent to 11, we can end the recession" (Lower the Age of Consent to 11 Party) "If we stick our thumb up our ass, we can bring peace to the middle east" (Thumb Up Our Ass Party). Democans and Republicrats start looking pretty good when those clowns are invited to the debates.

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