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Comment Re: Can someone explain this? (Score -1) 83

> site passed UAT

And that is the crux of the issue! The Democratic governor appointed a group to manage the user acceptance testing ( The site passed. At that point, Oracle is not responsible for any flaws. It was reviewed and tested by the customer and accepted. Also, a group of subject matter experts (SME) picked by the governor were involved in every step of the process and approved every step. That proves the governor is a DINO. He is not a Democrat. He might be a fake member of the party, but he is really a Republican. He didn't want his subjects to be able to get health care. Just last week he and 15 other state employees resigned for stealing money. The IRS is no investigating them. Republicans are a cancer.

Comment Re:Linux distros (Score 4, Informative) 189

> moderated my posts down.

I think three of my last four systemd posts were marked as trolls even though I gave specific examples of bugs. The systemd community is simply toxic.

Last night, I created a bug at:

With a script I found from:

that I was able to use to reproduce two different systemd bugs with on a Red Hat 7 and a CentOS 7 system. It is a well written and very self-explanatory example. I can no longer find the bug. It looks like they deleted it.

Comment Re:Wow, the moderation here is now crap (Score -1) 716

If a daemon doesn't log something, ...

That is not correct at all. MongoDB outputs that error to stderr. It has *nothing* to do with logging. Attempting to start the service with systemctl hides the stderr output. It also isn't logged in the journal. That is a serious bug. You need to stop irrationally defending something that is broken.

Tomorrow I'm having my best developer look at the source to systemd from , and I'm going to see if he can track down the problem. I noticed systemd has 397 contributors which is awesome. That proves it is a very healthy open source project. It just has problems that need to be fixed. I'm putting my money where my mouth is and dedicating resources to see if we can get this fixed. Not logging stderr is a serious bug.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 0) 716

> The design of hiding everything

And that is the problem. The concept of hiding log messages is a troubleshooting and security nightmare. For example, when MongoDB fails to start, systemd decides to eat the error messages. For example, on our server the output from "journalctl -u mongod" contained:

Feb 08 03:48:37 systemdtest systemd[1]: Starting SYSV: Mongo is a scalable, document-oriented database....
Feb 08 03:48:38 systemdtest runuser[28281]: pam_unix(runuser:session): session opened for user mongod by (uid=0)
Feb 08 03:48:38 systemdtest mongod[28275]: Starting mongod: [FAILED]
Feb 08 03:48:38 systemdtest systemd[1]: mongod.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Feb 08 03:48:38 systemdtest systemd[1]: Failed to start SYSV: Mongo is a scalable, document-oriented database..
Feb 08 03:48:38 systemdtest systemd[1]: Unit mongod.service entered failed state.

It logs that it failed to start, but systemd threw away the reason. Using strace I was able to find-out that it was a SELinux setup issue. The problem was that /var/lib/mongo somehow lost the mongod_var_lib_t security context. Doing a restorecon fixed the problem. That problem takes a few seconds to fix with standard syslog. With systemd's policy against logging, it took me over half of a day. This is why systemd is evil.

Even worse is if you have a security problem then systemd makes it much harder to find-out what happened because it throws away so much logging.

Comment Re:Most. Transparent. Administration. Ever. (Score -1) 136

something that happened when he was a child?

If you don't hold him responsible for what his people did when he was a child then you can't hold any whites responsible for what their kind did before they were born. That would be horrible. That would be the end of white guilt.

Comment Re:Even Fox gets it right sometimes (Score -1) 645

But if the video doesn't exist in the first place, then Faux Knews is lying. That is all they do. Lie. Lie. Lie. That is the way of their kind. Those videos do no exist. Faux made them in order to try to make brown people look bad. It sucks that morons like you fall for their lies. Stop believing they exist!

Comment Re:I think its pretty clear who the winner is. (Score -1) 101

But both were created by the racists that hate us and want us to die. Their kind can't read so even if there was a warning label, they still would have hurt us this way. They hate us. The people in that state are so stupid that they can't read. They can't even read. That is the way of their kind. That is why the people in GA so often literally shit on minorities. I have shitstains on the back of my good suit from my last trip there for a funeral. Also, blood dripping from my broken nose ruined my good white dress shirt. A cop beat me after hearing that I was flying. He just couldn't stand the thought of a black person on a plane. They are so racist.

Comment Re:More government control is terrible! (Score -1) 379

Liar. Most of my friends do not have Internet access at all at home. I have DSL that is about half a megabit per second, but that is only because I moved to a location where I knew DSL was available. Where I lived before, dial-up was the only option. Of course, cable is not available anywhere I can afford to live. Having access to cable Internet really raises the price of rent here in Seattle. Landlords know there is a high demand for Mbps or faster Internet access and a very low supply.

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