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Comment Re: I lost the password (Score 1) 560

A republic (representatives isolating the voters from the issues) is not a democracy and is intended to keep power out of the hands of the majority.
When voting took 2 weeks just to count (and there is no reason other than fear of criminality for not using internet voting) there MAY have been an excuse
There is no such excuse.
Let us each vote on every expenditure and hear every classified briefing. NO MORE SECRET LAWS!
Time to obliterate states. Time for the PEOPLE to control the state just as Jefferson wanted.
If you think "just powers from the consent of the governed" is anything but democracy, you do indeed think like all the other elites (How can peasants know what is good for them say the kings)

Comment Re: I lost the password (Score 1) 560

If gerrymandering means 1 man = 1 1/80 votes, but only in Republican (or Democratic) districts, the stability of the American system is over and done, with the minority ruling the majority.
That whole "Just powers from the consent of the governed" fails the test of Gerrymandering.
thus the need for direct democracy, now that we have the necessary technology.
For one thing, the buying of elections would end
For another, respect for law when the MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE decide what is law will go well up
There are people like Glenn Beck who call Democracy " Two wolves and a sheep holding a vote on what is for dinner" but that is what we have in an UNrepresentative Republic.
In a Republic, it only takes 31% minority to block the lawful and Constitutional will of the majority.

Comment Re: I lost the password (Score 1) 560

WRONG!! Every STATE elects Senators from the ENTIRE STATE.
Yes, Stupid Git is indeed the word
And when Republicans gained control in 2010 of 13 more states, they re-re-redistricted (including lawsuits to the Supreme Court that said 5-4 that this was legal to pass power to the "new" rulers) to give themselves a 1.4 million vote effective advantage.
That's why we need direct democracy, this 'republic' is no longer representative!

Comment Where does the Ammonia come from? (Score 1) 380

Haber Process. Strip H2 from CH4.
Energy consumed.
Compress with NH2 in Rayne Nickel Bed at 15 atm..
Energy consumed
Cool to liquid at -80F
Energy Consumed
Crack with reaction
Energy Consumed
Burn in ICE
Energy wasted.
Anyone done the power / transmission / conversion losses for electrics?
Like as in roadbed broadcast power?
Solves the problem with maximum efficiency.

Comment Re:Maybe if the economy wasn't so fucked (Score 1) 710

"Debt never gets paid off"---do tell that to Reagan who tripled the Debt, Bush who doubled that and Bush who doubled THAT all in time of peace.
If Obama spent at the same RATE as Bush we'd already be 24 trillion in the hole...but we're not.
The fact is, too LITTLE Socialism is why our schools suck, our kids won't provide a secure national future and why we have to import brains via the H1-B.

Comment Re:I lost the password (Score 2) 560

What we do know is that IRS and HEW communications are encrypted at every point, even internally. A lost password file control like "Keypass" and the entire server storage chain is permanently gibberish.
For security purposes, those files are NEVER backed up by central servers (Key-in-Lock weakness) and so, once crashed....gone

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