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Submission + - Wi-Fi Attack Breaks iPhones By Locking Them Into an Endless Loop ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Researchers from Skycure demonstrated a novel attack at the RSA 2015 conference that affects iPhones and other iOS devices. The attack, which takes advantage of new and previously announced vulnerabilities, locks iPhones into a never-ending reboot cycle effectively rendering them useless.

Developing a Denial of Service Attack
Skycure CEO Adi Sharabani explained that this attack began when Skycure researchers bought a new router and were messing around with its network settings. In doing so, they discovered a particular configuration that caused apps in iPhones connected to that router to crash whenever they launched.

Comment Re:Hybrid != EV (Score 1) 622

But I very much doubt that there's a line of Leaf or Tesla owners trading their EVs for SUVs.

Probably not Tesla, but Leaf owners tend to be younger, and many single. Many get married, have kids, and decide to move to an SUV. Sounds very plausible. I doubt it is fuel cost alone, but rather functionality and changing needs or desires as well.

Comment Re:This is how you deregulate (Score 2) 54

It is very hard to deregulate electrical because it has an instantaneous supply/demand response, hence the consideration of unique methods. Also, a short sighted market may not be best for long term planning needs that require large investment with very long term ROI. Its not like the deregulation of the phone companies, which although it was messy, worked out for the better.

Comment Re:Well done! (Score 1) 540

"root causes" would have been more appropriate, as you hinted. They have little to do with the schools, IMHO, but rather the environment outside the schools. Taking kids out of that environment as much as possible in their earliest, most formative years is not something most openly want talk about much. Pay teachers all you want, give them the most creative or proven curricula and materials and beautiful classrooms, and it won't make much of a difference. Give children a solid support structure outside of school if you want to make a difference. But its much easier to blame it on the schools and keep it focused there.

Comment Re:And by negotiate ... (Score 1) 101

What they do between now and the proposed merger date should have no bearing on the decision. It should be based on what they've done before the application was submitted, and what they commit to doing long term after the merger is approved. But somehow they'll probably do some superficial things to squeak out an approval.

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