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Comment Re:This is good news! (Score 1) 133

FYI, there is a package for the HTC Keyboard floating around. It's an older build (it doesn't have any of the Swype features), but it was better that the stock keyboard.

For now, I'm using Swype. I like the HTC layout better, but the swiping feature outweighs the layout problems. If I had my druthers, I have HTC IME w/ Swype... like a stock HTC Sense install. :-/

Comment Re:Heard about Marathon (Score 1) 105

I remember playing Duke Nuk'em 3D around the same time I played Marathon. It was after Doom, but PC games were still 320x200 256color.

That's what I remember being revolutionary about Marathon. When PC games were stuck at 320x200 (256 colors), Marathon ran fast at 800x600 (16bit color). The storyline was nice, but the graphics were jaw dropping.

Comment Re:That long? Optimistic, aren't we? (Score 1) 289

I disagree. Some of my best productivity gains came from learning a new language, then never using it. Instead, I'd use all the good ideas in my "normal" programming language.

I became a better Perl programmer after I learned Ruby. I became a better programmer (in all languages) after learning Lisp, Prolog, and Erlang.

I last wrote a Lisp or Prolog program in the late 90's, but I use those techniques every day.

Comment Re:Better Question... (Score 1) 301

You make a good point. Either my DNS admin/software have silently corrected my mistake, or I'm mis-remembering. I generally make every user-friendly DNS record a CNAME to a non-user-friendly A. It's possible that I've broadened that memory to include MX records. The brain is so fickle.

Regardless, most of my MX's IP's PTRs are not-equal to the original MX record. They do eventually resolved to an A and PTR that are consistent.

Comment Re:Better Question... (Score 1) 301

Correct, the PTR and A's need to be eventually consistent, but not initially consistent. If this is the case, they can't receive email from any Google Apps user.

$ dig -t mx
;; ANSWER SECTION: 1800 IN MX 5 1800 IN MX 5 1800 IN MX 10 1800 IN MX 10 1800 IN MX 10 1800 IN MX 10 1800 IN MX 1

$ host has address

$ host domain name pointer

$ host has address

This is normal, even when you actually host the mail yourself and own the netblock. Most of my MX records point at a CNAME, and the PTR record resolves to the A record.

Comment Re:Incorrect summary (Score 2, Interesting) 218

Spamhaus has a policy of escalation. If the first blacklist doesn't work, widen the blacklist. Repeat until somebody notices. It worked for a while, it got customers like you to call your ISP to tell them to clean up their act.

I was blacklisted that way. I had a /29, and another /29 near me was blacklisted. I found out when the /24 was blacklisted, and my customers called to complain. I was lucky, I had a business relationship with the other /29, and we were able to get it de-listed in a couple of days. I spent most of those 3 days on the phone.

I've always found SpamHaus to be a bit draconian. From their point of view, they're a voluntary service, so they're free to shoot first and ask questions later. I however didn't find their service to be voluntary at all.

Comment Re:So will verizon FIOS now open port 25? (Score 1) 299

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. I added in a standard dose of internet snark, and interpreted your comment as "What's wrong with you?". My apologies.

So far, I haven't figured out how to manage the multiple connections well enough to do anything. I usually get timeouts before I can get the secondary connections established (after I remember to put the connection in PASV mode). When I want to do something low level with FTP, I find it's faster and easier to write a debugging client with Perl's Net::FTP module. I know that a good chunk of the problem is practice, because I had the same problems with all the other layer 7 protocols. I eventually got past that with SMTP, HTTP, POP3 and IMAP, but haven't managed to get past it with FTP.

Comment Re:DBAN is unnecessary. (Score 1) 1016

I prefer to zero the disks, not my entropy source.

I've found dd with the default block size (512 bytes) to be very slow. I generally run
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M

There's probably a more optimal value, but 1M is close enough to optimal that it was a waste of time to refine it more.

Disclaimer: Don't cut and paste shell commands off the internet without understanding them.

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