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Hackers Target WHO By Posing As Think Tank, Broadcaster (bloomberg.com) 15

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: The messages began arriving in World Health Organization employees' inboxes in early April, seemingly innocuous emails about the coronavirus from news organizations and researchers. But a close examination revealed that they contained malicious links, and some security experts have traced the emails to a hacking group in Iran believed to be sponsored by the government. The hacking effort, which began on April 3, was an attempt to steal passwords and possibly install malware on WHO computers, according to three people familiar with the matter, who requested anonymity because they aren't authorized to talk to the news media. The incident was one of several suspected state-sponsored hacks targeting WHO officials in recent weeks, the people said.

Two of the messages sent to the WHO, which were reviewed by Bloomberg News, were designed to look like coronavirus newsletters from the British Broadcasting Corporation. A third message was tailored to look like an interview request from the American Foreign Policy Council, a conservative think tank based in Washington. It encouraged recipients to click on what looked to be a shortened Google link, which diverted to a malicious domain. Ohad Zaidenberg, lead cyber intelligence researcher at Clearsky Cyber Security, reviewed the messages for Bloomberg News, and said he believed they were sent by a group of state-sponsored Iranian hackers known as "Charming Kitten," which has been active since 2014 and previously targeted Iranian dissidents, academics, journalists and human rights activists.
Flavio Aggio, the WHO's chief information security officer, confirmed the "very clever attacks" but said they'd so far been unsuccessful. "We are dealing with an information war and a cyberwar at the same time," he added.

Comment Re:I've been a customer for a decade (Score 2) 104

I'm planning to move my registration and DNS to AWS or Google. Probably Google, just because I have more experience with AWS.

They both have a simple API and CLI tool that can be used to push changes. My IP is mostly static, so I'm planning to have a cron job set the IP every hour, whether it's changes or not. If I cared for realtime updates, it would be easy to edit the eth hook that Dyn uses to do an update.

Comment Re:How was this question graded? (Score 5, Insightful) 443

I don't know what mental shortcuts you use, but I can prove that mine are valid.

Why would I write down 162 + 199 and add it up, when I can just mentally add 161 + 200?
Why would I do long multiplication of 50*49, when I can do (50*50)-50 in my head?

I once watched a class mate add zero to a number on his calculator. Can we accept that there are some mental shortcuts that are valid?

Comment Re:Why exceptions? (Score 2) 116

That worked out so well when GM shut down a bunch of shitty brands. I had a Saturn. It didn't become completely unable to be serviced, but it sure what a much bigger PITA. (Note: I loved my first Saturn, when they were an independent manufacturer. I hated my last Saturn, when they were just a GM car with a different badge.)

Comment Re:Can we pause the Panic Parade, please? (Score 1) 375

Seriously - anyone who knows enough should know that this bug (being able to read tiny amounts of kmem ONLY during a specific sequence of speculative instructions; bad but hardly an open port) requires: malware to already be running on your system (in which case you are already screwed); that malware to be so perfectly crafted to not only read tiny amounts of kmem data via specific instruction sequences but then expand that tiny amount of info into some (magical?) process for gathering passwords, crypto-keys, etc. (none of which are stored in kmem anyway, but why spoil the panic parade?) and then spreading to other computers on your network. Show me a real POC, then we can panic. FFS!

Heartbleed proved that attacks of this type are effective. And this can escape VMs, browsers, and other sandboxes.

Think of the fun you could have if you can steal AWS' or Google's SSL certs.

Anybody want to law odds on the NSA nudging Intel down this path?

Comment Re:Why is this even possible? (Score 2) 36

Agile == pretend we know what we're doing

I prefer to say "Agile == Admit you don't know what you're doing, but you're going to figure it as you go."

Security seems to go with experience, not methodology. There are uncountable examples of poor security, regardless of development styles. There are plenty of examples of good security coming out of Agile shops. Just because there are plenty of inexperienced teams using Agile doesn't mean it's Agile's fault.

Comment Re:BTRFS (Score 1) 191

That sounds better than ZFS. If you actually manage to fill one up 100%, you're (probably) screwed. Due to it's Copy On Write implementation, deleting a file requires free space.
If you have some snapshots, you can drop those to free up some space. If you don't have snapshots to drop, your only option to recover is to enlarge the volume. You can either add another RAID extent (which you can't ever remove), or replace all of the disks with larger disks and expand.

Comment Re:BTRFS (Score 1) 191

Oracle doesn't give away anything they can sell.

ZFS v28 was the last version that was open source, by Sun.
Oracle is still developing newer versions of ZFS, but they are closed source.
I believe ZFS is available in Oracle Linux, but I haven't verified that. I'm not sure how they get around the licensing issues.

Comment Re:For home users, basically meaningless. (Score 1) 191

XFS was designed to be a media filesystem, when SGI wrote it for Irix. It's a good fit.
I plan to use ZFS for my media storage, but there is one important consideration. ZFS does NOT like to be more than 80% full. If you're planning to fill the disks greater than 80%, stick with XFS. I'm not, so I'm going with ZFS. XFS still has issues in this scenario, but it's not as bad as ZFS.

Comment Re:For home users, basically meaningless. (Score 2) 191

It also made just about any computer with less than 8 GB of RAM obsolete.

a) Pick the right tool for the job.
b) ZFS works fine without lots of RAM. Either cap the ARC, or disable it.

I plan to use ZFS for my personal NAS. I'll have 4TiB of storage (spinners) and 2GiB of RAM. It's mostly media storage, so ARC isn't terribly useful. And ZFS will auto-disable the ARC if the machine has less than 4TiB of RAM. Sure, it's not going to set any benchmarks records, but I don't need it to. Streaming media at the home scale isn't taxing for modern PCs.

It's also not very friendly with applications that need large chunks of RAM, like a database or large Java VM application

I love ZFS for my database servers. It plays very well with PostgreSQL, because in PG you can tell it how much RAM to use as a buffer AND estimate how much RAM the OS will use for cache. Just tell PG that the OS will do all the caching, and things are good. ZFS beat the crap out of my HW RAID card in the PG benchmarks, with the same amount of RAM, without adjusting the configs I mentioned.

And lets not forget the other great features it offers:

  • It's beautiful for RAID1. mdadm is weak with partial failures. If a drive has bitrot, mdadm will tell you, but it can't tell you which drive is right. ZFS knows which one is right, and fixes it automatically.
  • Auto expansion is available (disabled by default). I've been upgrading my personal NAS for 15 years, one part at a time. I have expanded the LVM+mdadm ext FS from 100GB -> 250GB -> 500GB -> 2TB. It's easier now that ext3 has online resize, but it's still a lot more work than ZFS.

I do wish ZFS could handle changing the layout on the fly, and shrinking volumes. It's corner case, but it would come in handy in some failure scenarios. Veritas Volume Manager was the only thing I've worked with that did this well, and that was hella expensive. (I consider any software that costs more than the machine that it runs on to be hella expensive.)

Comment Re:CardDav (Score 1) 388

I'm really afraid e-mail is going away though. Most people today would rather message via Facebook and this article goes into how unreliable it is to run your own e-mail server due to Microsoft/Google's over aggressive spam filtering: http://penguindreams.org/blog/...

MS/GOOG didn't start that; SPAM scoring did. I started having delivery problems from my consumer grade connection a decade ago. Now it's virtually impossible to deliver email from an IP address in the dynamic database.

Every ISP I've had runs an SMTP relay (I'm currently on Time Warner). I tell postfix to relay most things through it. I'd prefer not to, but it's going over their wires, so they can already read it if they want to.

[clewis@hacker ~]$ grep 'transport_maps' /etc/postfix/main.cf
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

[clewis@hacker ~]$ tail -4 /etc/postfix/transport
mydomain.com :
.mydomain.com :
myfriend.com :
* smtp:[smtp-server.roadrunner.com]

Whoops. Likes like I should update that config. RoadRunner was bought out years ago. IIRC, I got smtp-server.roadrunner.com from their email client setup instructions.

Comment Re:Diesel electric (Score 1) 230

I could've sworn a local train that navigates a mountain pass had regenerative braking. I appear to be mistaken.

Dynamic Braking (wikipedia link if you prefer) dissipates all of the electricity generated as heat. These trains are clearly referenced as engaging the dynamic braking system during a braking scare in the 90s, and not a regenerative braking system. A 2004 paper obtained dynamic braking data for this train line.

For further evidence, I ran some informal youtube and google searches. There are no videos for "train regenerative braking", but a lot for "train dynamic braking". Google searches only turn up papers for "train regenerative braking", but "train dynamic braking" returns plenty of magazine articles and press releases .

Comment Re:Why? What advantages does this have over ZFS? (Score 1) 132

As a long time ZFS admin, I have a few suggestions.

ZFS snapshots and send are much faster than rsync. Nearly all of them time is spent actually transferring data, and very little is spent enumerating data. One day it dawned on me that I could do hourly, or even 5 minute, snapshot && send on machines that could only handle daily rsyncs on ext4. It still depends on your write bandwidth and overwrite percentage, but it removes number of files from the equation.

Regarding vdev reorganization, it's true, you can't really change vdevs in an existing pool. I got around that by destroying the zpool on the backup server, re-creating it the way I wanted, then zfs sending the FS over again. The actual failover process is part of the manual failover setup anyway, so flipping cost me less than a minute of downtime. Let it burn in for a few days, then rebuild the original server's disks.

One last thing it took me a while to figure out. RAID-Z is faster than RAID10. Even for your IO bound processes, like PostgreSQL or MySQL. I'd done so many benchmarks showing that hardware RAID10 was better than hardware RAID5 for IO load, that I didn't even think about re-testing that conclusion under ZFS. Much later, I noticed that my storage servers (RAIDZ) could handle more IO than my database servers (RAID10). A 4 disk RAIDZ was faster than a 4 disk RAID10, and a 4 disk RAIDZ2 was the same speed. And I had 5 bays for spinners, so I could actually do a 5 disk RAIDZ vs a 4 disk RAID10 (8 bays total, including 3 for mirrored ZIL + L2ARC). As always, your benchmarks will vary. Just don't forget to re-test conventional wisdom.

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