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Comment Re:No new physics == Michelson–Morley of the (Score 1) 61

Ignoring previous results on the Higgs Boson;

No new physics/results from these collisions would STILL be a welcomed puzzle. It would mean that the expectations are wrong and thus indicate something is missing in the standard model.

Science has progressed equally in the absence of proof as with validation of expectations. It's the discovery and the adaptation of knowledge that is more important.

Comment Re:Java is done (Score 1) 223

It's my opinion that Sun had a case but no the money to follow suit, until Oracle bought them.

But wasn't the whole thing about some private APIs that Google (or whatever was that company it hired) made use and actually copied verbatim?


And by "securing", I meant "securing it's investment in the technology", not ownership of Sun itself.

Oracle DBs and Apps make substantial use of Java. Had Sun been allowed to falter, or worse yet be bough by a (then) competitor like IBM, it would have been disastrous for Oracle.

Comment Re:Java is done (Score 2) 223

That's retarded. Oracle had (and maintains) a sizeable investment in Java and the rack servers for which Oracle is optimized for.

The acquisition was about securing the investment. Not any devious scheme.

Disclaimer: I work for Oracle but am not in any way associated with the Java group nor am I part of the executive/decision-making chain.

Comment Re:Nothing new (Score 1) 74

Actually, Apple does try to catch those apps that sign out. In the process, they will miss the more cunning ones. And they make false positives.

One of my free iOS Apps, a RPN stack-based scripting language, came with some sample scripts you could in-click install (aka, move from App bundle into the sandboxed Documents). The App also had a button linking directly to a Wiki explaining the language and had copies of the scripts.

Somehow Apple evaluated that my App downloaded the sample scripts from my wiki down to the user device. They considered it violated the TAC concerning the "download of executable code" and had refused my original App submission. No amount of debating on the phone with Christ Whats-His-Name resulted in him even wanting to listen, giving me the cold shoulder. I shrugged it off, reworked some of the app and shipped.

Many revisions later, the App actually still has some sample scripts that it "auto installs". Just no longer has the Wiki link directly (it has a script to access it and now, inline manual).

Comment Re:Every Damn Day (Score 1) 227

I get 1 new recruiter request per month. What typically follows is spamming of job offers because one keyword matched in their database. Such as "programming". I've had some pretty interesting offers once in a while. Perhaps not interesting enough to jump ship after all the advantages I have for working 18 years in the same house, but some came very close. But on the average of 10-15 offers a month, most are totally irrelevant to what my profile lays out in terms of specialties and experience.

The problem boils down to the recruiters not understanding the core technologies they're being tasked as manning. So they shoot all around hoping for a positive hit because they want their fees and will go as far as sharing their fees with a sign-in bonus.

Can you imagine a 500$ sign-in bonus would have an 18 year veteran jump ship?

Comment Re:Good thing (Score 1) 359

Thank you. Precisely what pushed me away from G+ and ultimately YouTube. They forced me to change my user ID and logon to a G+ account which I did not care for, less so for gmail. In the end, not only did I never cared for G+, it made me abandon my YouTube account because I can't be bothered remembering the stupid GMail/G+ account they force me to use.

Too bad because YouTube is still the best video sharing outlet.

Frankly, I'm probably going to move my videos to FB once they do release their video sharing platform.

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