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Comment Re:Who pays? (Score 5, Insightful) 118

There is a 600-800 day wait just for permits. It has lengthened from 300 days decades ago. There are unprecedented environmental studies, energy efficiency requirements, building codes, earthquake requirements, impact studies, etc. etc. They are each independently probably good ideas. The net result is that the cost for building there is way higher than some nice open field and you could not build what is currently standing there.

If a highly successful company decides they want to plunk down the corporate treasury then all that can be resolved. If there is a growing community there then they may have to in order to chase talent. If not then you get Detroit. If it weren't for the rest of the Bay area supporting SF these days by just being close you'd be there already.

Comment Re: Yeah, well... (Score 1) 88

Your enemies today are your friends tomorrow are your enemies the day after. If the world thought like this there would be no trade with the US now because they can't be sure that a crazy person won't be in the White House in a couple of years. Trade takes longer than that just to set up.

Comment Wildly overpriced (Score 2) 50

You can BUILD very captable robots for way less than 70k. I think Knightscope is just a venture capital exploitation vehicle. At 70k a year of course the economic model doesn't work. Its a camera on a platform. If you set them up as telepresence platforms to leverage highly capable director type guards with a small emergency response group to back them up you can pay people decently, provide solid security and reduce the mindnumbingness of security work.

Comment !% die, 395k died -- 39 million infected. Straigh (Score 1) 263

!% die, 395k died --> 39.5 million infected. Straight math. That's 12% of the population.

If it is less deadly then even more people have had it. Think it's 0.6% of people who have it die? --> 65.8 million infected. 1.6% die --> 24 million. It's probably around 1%, maybe a bit less now so 12%.

The number dead ignores the percentage broke from paying the emergency room or with trashed lungs or other organs thanks to the infection. You probably know 100 people including friends of friends and relatives.

Comment Re: Not another bunch of incompetents with data (Score 4, Insightful) 113

It gets worse and worse the more you think about it. Anyone with access to that data can probably make a fortune just from untraceable insider trading. Anyone includes ex-DHS employees.

Every cartel in the world would want it to track down possible leaks and cops. Every intelligence organization to figure out what's going on and who might be an operative. Even if it is just by someone NOT having data in it there is an indication of useful information.

Comment The implications are more interesting (Score 5, Insightful) 350

China must have tremendous confidence in its ability to suppress people to create common cause for 23 million people to hate the system. That big a number must contain a lot of capable people - and no doubt a bunch of mistakes. All of those now have a clear and undeniable focus for their rage and rebellion.

This sounds like a program likely to have unexpected results

Comment Banning is the wrong thing for the elderly (Score 1) 219

Delivery robots would help the elderly and handicapped far more than they would hurt. Delivery services make life much easier when you have trouble leaving your home. I'm sure you can imagine how much easier using Amazon is than trying to travel to a couple of different stores when moving is tough. The same is true for food delivery and restaurants, pharmacies and medicines.

This reasoning seems to be simply a justification, not a well thought out and realistic concern.

Comment Called Sprint Store and here is response (Score 3, Interesting) 102

Here are their claims:

- You will be fine if you don't leave it charging overnight

- They will have replacement handsets sometime in the next few weeks.

The first claim is false according to many sources including Samsung. As for the second, they are supposed to have replacements by the 21st but hey that's just a schedule. No one sticks to those apparently.

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