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Comment Re:Russians, help me understand (Score 1) 412

I must stress again: The prison moral has escaped to the wild and became moral of the society. And also: There is NO lawlessness in prisons (except from guards, of course). The "Ponyatiya" are VERY strict laws, they are interpreted by "Thieves in Law", fulfilled and their violation is immediately punished. The "Otmorozki" (people who don't observe the Ponyatiya) are not tolerated.

Comment Re:And the rules for Putin? (Score 1) 412

Because there are some photos of Putin either completely naked, with his organ up, (which I believe to be photoshopped), or covered from waist down (which corresponds to Sharia law). H have never seen pictures of Putin covered from waist up. See also "Wrestling" by Donskaya-Khilko.

Comment Re:Takes attention away from Putin (Score 1) 412

1. Russia didn't demand return of Crimea. It was before Kosovo/Kosova, you know. But it changes nothing about Sevastopol. It is NOT a part of Crimea as Washington DC is NOT a part of any of US states. It's a federal property and should become a Russian property according to "Zero variant" treaty duly signed by Ukraine. It was annexed by Ukraine from Russia.
2. Nukes off in exchange for territorial integrity is a letter of intents, not more. The treaty that required Ukraine to be nuclear free is a Lissabon treaty of 1992.
3. The oil prices are set by international traders. You believe it's not possible to influence them? And if you remember 1980-s then you remember that the only real value of dollar after the fall of Bretton Woods is the USA-Saudi agreement and fact that anybody who sells oil for anything except dollar will become democratic - Saddam wanted euros and Iraq is a democracy now. Qaddafi wanted a gold dinar and Libya is a democracy, too. Imagine how much Obama wants to bring democracy to Iran, Syria and Russia. Especially after the SPb, Russia oil exchange began trading oil for yuans.
4. You keep dollar high and gold low. You cannot stop it. And it only means that Putin cheaply buys gold. And he buys gold nonstop. Russian gold resources still grow during all this crisis. Chinese do the same. Imagine how glad is Obama. And how much he wants to make oil cheaper.

Comment Re:Russians, help me understand (Score 2) 412

Some time ago, the Soviet power allowed the prison moral "Ponyatiya" to escape to the wild, which is quite understandable due to repressions. And according to Ponyatiya, there is an hierarchy between the inmates where passive homosexuals are in the lowest position and are untouchable, except as a sexual object. The popular hate to homosexuals has no connection to Christian moral.

About the Gay Pride: I think it's proven that the Gay Pride has no relation to the homosexuals and is the movement paid from abroad and is pressured as such which is OK.

About Crystal Night: I believe it may exist. For long time Putin paid his elites with right to steal. There should come times when it's just not enough oil to steal and the Crystal Night becomes necessary. Unfortunately, I see just the opposite: the elites that openly sabotage the economy according to the best Harvard methods and Putin who either cannot or doesn't want to stop it.

Comment Re:Insanity (Score 1) 412

Long time ago I has some friend (not partner; I am natural) who was GAY. And he told me that GAY community is quite secretive.

So, I believe that all the Gay Pride movement as well as anti-GAY campaign has no connection with GAYs. It's an organized and well paid aggression against traditional moral from one side and an attempt to raise popularity as a conservative politician from the other one.

Some time ago, Putin required all political organizations obtaining money from abroad to be registered as such. It was a brilliant move of a Real Tyrant: it appeared that almost ALL the political opposition is on USA payroll.

Comment Re:Sounds good to me. (Score 0) 412

1. We have NOT annexed Crimea, we just a) Took it from unlawful possession of other party or b) Agreed to will of Crimean people to become part of Russia. Choose any variant you like, both are OK: The transfer of Crimea from Russian SFSR to Ukrainian SFSR has been done with violation of applicable laws, and will of Crimean people is as valid as will of Kosovar people which you supported when it was good for you.

2. I cannot know for sure who shot the airliner. But what I know for sure: The nominal route goes over Southern Crimea. There was a command from Dnepropetrovsk center to move the route to the war zone, and no Dnepropetrovsk records were given to investigation and no Dnepropetrovsk control people were kept for investigation. It's enough for me to understand who shot it. Also, the BUK rocket weights about 1 ton. When it starts it roars as hell and produces a pillar of smoke. It's impossible to miss a pillar of smoke in a daytime where every dog has a camera in it's cellphone. No pillar of smoke was ever seen.

3. I have a freedom to keep a veggie field and to buy raw milk from my neighbor. You haven't, due to Monsanto (Yes, I read your survivalist sites). I will survive in any crisis, you will not. And all your freedoms are nil and void if you have no freedom to survive.

And BTW you have a Second Amendment. Is it possible to bear arms traveling from, say, New York to San Francisco?

Comment Re:Takes attention away from Putin (Score 1) 412

It's just because of this I don't vote for Putin: He promised to be a "Butcher of Grozny" and I voted for him because in 1990-s I was really tired of reading everyday news about criminal bands from there. You Americans are shaken with a single Boston terror act by Tsarnaev, now please imagine similar acts every day. Instead, he became "Buyer of Grozny", spending terrible amounts of our tax money to bribe Chechens into submission. No wonder they vote for him.

Comment Re:Takes attention away from Putin (Score 0) 412

The price of oil has dropped due to need to punish us Russians for Crimea. Your US fracking companies that go bankrupt in the process are "collateral damage". They need US$80 per barrel to survive. Brent is 50. Sorry but Crimea is ours, period.

The second. We have rushed to supermarkets in panic. I personally have bought a UHD TV for use as a display, a last model of video card for it, a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera and lenses and all accessories for it. And I am a poor scientist with less than average wages. I believe it's quite different from the third world crowds buying flour, isn't it?

Third. I personally hate Putin for being not enough Putin, not too much Putin.

And the last. The persons that have ruined the Russian economy are seen better from Russia than from USA. And, which is quite expected, they all have graduated from USA universities.

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