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Comment I think you're being naive (Score 2) 71

What if the ISP says 'not without a warrant' on this too?

I think you're being naive, if you're seriously hoping ISP would stand up and protect your rights. It's not a profitable thing to do and it is most certainly not in their interest (it cost money to fight this sort of things against the government.) With majority of the market being service by just a few major ISP, there's no incentive for them to go the extra mile to keep you as their customer.

Comment you know, most of them don't even bother to read (Score 1) 186

Most of the congress critters don't even read the bill that's being put up for a vote, assuming they bother to show up for the vote.

To be fair, most of the bills being put up for a vote are unnecessarily wordy and obscure, with six zillion unrelated amendments attached. All of which makes a very dry reading and makes layman's head spin (before exploding.)

Comment fundamental error of the system (Score 1) 406

fundamental error here is the assumption that school is for educating. it isn't, and not by a long shot. it is designed to brainwash children into conforming adults. educating and creating new generation of critical thinkers has nothing to do with state sponsored education system.

to that end, punishment and reward based system fits the intend perfectly.

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