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Comment fundamental error of the system (Score 1) 406

fundamental error here is the assumption that school is for educating. it isn't, and not by a long shot. it is designed to brainwash children into conforming adults. educating and creating new generation of critical thinkers has nothing to do with state sponsored education system.

to that end, punishment and reward based system fits the intend perfectly.

Comment ATi/AMD still lagging looooong way behind (Score 1) 104

My personal experience has been that with nVidia parts, their proprietary driver "just works" under Linux, on occasions when it can't even identify the part itself.

With ATi/AMD... not so much; more often than not, trying to install proprietary driver is like pulling teeth out of a pitbull's mouth. Even I get it to install, it only sort-of-kind-of works. Trying to uninstall it is downright insane.

I don't know why ATi/AMD suck this hard, or why it's so much effort to get anything they made to work. But frankly as an end user, I shouldn't know or care. Stuff either "just works" or will not be considered for purchase.

Comment MAFIAA is pleased to announce that... (Score 1) 141

MAFIAA is pleased to announce that in their effort to combat piracy, lobotomy is now included in the list of remedies for three-strikes infraction. Naturally any attempt to recollect any part of any film is considered as one strike.

You could, at your option, pay a ... modest fine instead of receiving the lobotomy.

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