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Comment CDC more concerned about PR (Score 1) 381

In typical hollywood fashion, the CDC seems to be more concerned with creating an image of no panic when they don't have a clue. Everything they have done so far has been reactionary. You don't have a plan if all you do is react to events. No fly list should have been in place. Isolate then test should have been in place. Seems a lot of things aren't there but they keep telling the public how great their plan is.

Comment Re:This is awesome (Score 3, Insightful) 217

The more of these we find, the more secure OpenSSL will be. I hope we continue to find these kinds of problems and see them fixed. If open source has one strength, it's that when many skilled eyes DO converge on the code it can be tested and fixed far more quickly than a corporation with limited resources and only paid developers can do the same sort of debugging work. The trick is getting the eyes there in the first place.

10 years ago someone said...

"Opensource will eliminate all bugs, because the world can see the source". Doesn't matter if no one reads the source.

Comment Re:Closed source software (Score 0) 217

Given all the open-source SSL/TLS security flaws (OpenSSL, gnutls, Apple SSL) that have come out these past few months - mostly thanks to renewed interest in hunting flaws, thanks to the Snowden revelations, I suspect - I hope that companies like Microsoft are also seeing this as a wake-up call driving them to do code reviews on their closed-source SSL/TLS code.

Not quite sure what you mean there. Closed source gets more code review than opensource apparently.

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