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Comment I call bullshit (Score 4, Insightful) 389

To really understand metro, you have to watch the development videos at microsoft virtual academy website.

Somehow their UI designers came up with this ridicilous notion that your apps don't need any "distract" menus or system icons and it should only display content. Content is the king they say, none of those resizing bars or window icons or anything. This is the main reason why metro apps look like that.

It's like someone designed a car and said.. "you don't doors once you're in the car all you need is the road". To that I say "getting in and out a car shouldn't be an un-intuitive mess dumbass"

Comment Re:because (Score 2) 299

I ended up using something similar. I just have a bunch of memorized passwords using a very simple 3 keyed format

like "AB#" "EF#" "I#K"

This way whenever I need a new password to add to my list I write anything that pops into my head on a note. for example..

J92bd3Yp4. "J92" "bd3" "Yp4". write it down, use it for a week until it's memorized and it's done. I have about 6 passwords in this format completely memorized and cycle them everywhere.

Comment Bias goggles (Score 1) 293

From TFA, "9,469 Escape are being re-recalled. There have been no fires."

Ford is recalling the 2013 escape. no fires, there might be potential fires it's a voluntary recall.

Telsa has had 3 fires, no voluntary recalls, won't even admit there's a problem.

That's why Tesla get shit in the news. Take of your bias goggles.

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