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Comment From TFA (Score 1) 546


The revelations about the impact of Snowden on intelligence operations comes days after Britain's terrorism law watchdog said the rules governing the security services' abilities to spy on the public needed to be overhauled.

Conservative lawmaker and former minister Andrew Mitchell said the timing of the report was "no accident".

"There is a big debate going on," he told BBC radio. "We are going to have legislation bought back to parliament (...) about the way in which individual liberty and privacy is invaded in the interest of collective national security.

"That's a debate we certainly need to have."

Cameron has promised a swathe of new security measures, including more powers to monitor Briton's communications and online activity in what critics have dubbed a "snoopers' charter".

Britain's terrorism laws reviewer David Anderson said on Thursday the current system was "undemocratic, unnecessary and - in the long run - intolerable".

He called for new safeguards, including judges not ministers approving warrants for intrusive surveillance, and said there needed to be a compelling case for any extensions of powers.

So what you really have is fear monger lying for more police state jackboot power grabby bullshit. I don't think it was an accident that Orwell was English.

Comment I've reported fraud (Score 1) 126

numerous times to Steam because some game had some extra bullshit requirement like GFWL that wasn't listed on the store page.

I was very surprised - and after reading the entire ToS update - delighted when I opened Steam when I got home from work last night. I'm anti-drm but Steam does have some benefits and I've had an account for over a decade with hundreds of games and only a handful of problems.

I'm glad they're doing this and frankly it should have been their stance from the beginning, they've been notoriously tight-assed about refunds.

If anyone knows why they suddenly changed their very old and anti-consumer policy to this far better one I'd love to hear it.

Comment Haven't been to a GameStop since they Stopped (Score 1) 93

buying/selling used PC games more than 10 years ago. This might be good for them but will definitely be bad for Thinkgeek which has been coming up with some of their own products some of which are quite good (I'm not affiliated with them in any way but g/f has told me that the LeVar Burton Star Trek TNG/Reading Rainbow joke t-shirt I got her has gotten her more compliments than anything else and that was/is an exclusive).

Their prices are high but they do have some cool stuff. I wonder how badly GameStop will ruin them. Sad to see.

Comment Yes... (Score 1) 85

I can see Microsoft calling their buddy Intel and saying "Wanna make this required for Windows 11 and we split the profits?" PS, you get the foot the electric bill =)

I'm sure the rest will follow with phone versions... I don't see these being used to sell you a "free" or "reduced cost" device just pure cash for them with a microscopic subtext in a license/EULA/ToS somewhere.

Comment Re:I wonder how the Gen Con people would feel (Score 1) 886

"But if you cross a line beyond which most people would say it's objectionable content"

No. I don't. I think that Germans will put you in jail for giving a Nazi salute is fucking offensive to freedom of speech and expression but they aren't Americans.

If you're offended that's your fucking problem not mine. What's interesting to me is how everyone is trying to twist the law in to their own personal beliefs, religious or otherwise, and so if you're cognizant of that fact you should be erring hard on the side of liberty for all (unless you don't mind being an unethical hypocritical douchebag, I guess).

Comment I'm also an Indianapolis resident (Score 1) 886

I agree. While the rest of the US thinks of us as hillbillies in a fly over state most here don't have banjos or corn fields. This won't get far because a lot of the big businesses in the city support rights movements.

The thing is there are still a lot of religious elderly voters and this is a traditionally red state - he's trying to appeal to what he thinks is his base for his no-chance-in-hell presidential run.

Here he is in 2010 joining with Michelle Bachmann's Tea Party Caucus.

That's probably all you need to know.

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