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Comment Join you local Maker Lab or Hack Space. (Score 4, Interesting) 251

I was very much wanting to get a 3D printer. In looking around I found a Maker Lab / Hack Space ( There we have a number of 3Dprinters plus laser cutter, cnc, lathe and much more. Along with people that know who to use them and help fix and adjust them.
I have access to all this for what it would cost to buy just a 3D printer (a year). When and if I want my own I can build it there.

Comment Copyright, Re-Copyright, and creative difference. (Score 2) 230

It would be nice to have an explanation of when a copy goes out of copyright and how that effects other copies and originals. When an original (A) goes out of copyright, which I think we mostly understand. Compared to when copy of A (B) goes out of copyright. How does this affect the copy right on A and B. Does B have to be creatively different, detectably different, and what if they cannot be told apart? What about copy C made from A after copy B, or copy D and from B before copy C, or copy E made from B after Copy D.
What about different legal systems, and different types of works (words, vs sound)?

Submission + - JilksClan Video (

JilksClan writes: Hey everyone, I'm new to YouTube and I'm having an impossible time starting up. I also have had my PVR and my TV taken from me so I can only record with my laptop for now.

I want to be able to give people some entertainment and talk to all of my subscribers but nobody watches my videos on Youtube, I am having a blast. However I am having a blast alone.

Comment Re:Actually (Score 1) 170

Since the argument in this thread is around the question of complying by deleting the file and surrounding content, or simply making it not accessible. I would think the words:
"or disable access to"
Would to a reasonable person indicate that removing link/from the website would be sufficient, as it would be the second (2) of the three choices the law offers.
"responds expeditiously to (1) remove, or (2) disable access to, the material that is claimed to be infringing or (3) to be the subject of infringing activity." (numbers added)

While I do not speak legal, I would thing the powers that be would have used "and" instead of "or" or just removed the second option.

Comment Re:Its the phone company that caused the problem (Score 1) 393

Part of the problem was part of the testing was done a the World's Fair. AT&T had many layouts on display and asked people to rate them. Good idea except that most people when trying keying in numbers for the first time on anything pick 123 as it is easy. But long term, it would have been better to settle on the initially harder to use 789 pattern. (or this could be just as apocryphal as all the other stories)

Comment Maybe there are other reasons for the sale? (Score 1) 445

There could also be other aspects of the sale that are damaged by people scanning.
          The sale could be a loss leader for the organization, a way to get book buyers down to see the library. (or stop by the charity shop)
          The mixture of books could be part of the entertainment value of the sale, with a few gold nuggets mix into a lot of sand, it is the searching and looking, and reading a bit that is part of the fun.
Having someone scan and remove all the gems is not going to get the buyer and therefore the seller what they are looking for.

Maybe this person should offer to scan and price books for a fee. He I suspect he could make more money in the same time, and have the library staff help help him do it.


Denver Airport Overrun by Car-Eating Rabbits 278

It turns out the soy-based wire covering on cars built after 2002 is irresistible to rodents. Nobody knows this better than those unlucky enough to park at DIA's Pikes Peak lot. The rabbits surrounding the area have been using the lot as an all-you-can-eat wiring buffet. Looks like it's time to break out The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

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