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iWatch Prototypes Could Be Ready, Apple Hires Fitness Physiologists For Tests 100

SmartAboutThings writes "Recently, Apple has been on a hiring spree, allegedly adding to its 100+ team of members of the iWatch team a sleep expert, a former expert in pulse oximetry and many others. Now, according to a recent job listing on Apple's own website, it seems that Cupertino is looking for physiologists for fitness and energy tests. In my opinion, this can only mean that the iWatch is nearing its final stage and that experts are required to assess how it fares."

Slashdot Tries Something New; Audience Responds! 2219

We've had only a few major redesigns since 1997; we think it's time for another. But we really do take to heart the comments you've made about the look and functionality of the beta site that houses Slashdot's future look. So let's all slow down. Right now, we're directing 25 percent of non-logged-in users to the beta; it's a significant number, but it's the best way for us to test drive this new design, to have you show us what pieces need to be fixed, and how. If you want to move back to Classic Slashdot, that path is available: from the Slashdot Beta page, you just need to select the "Slashdot Classic" link from the footer (or this link). We're committed to keep you informed of the plans as changes are implemented; we can't promise that every user will like every change, but we don't want anything to come as a surprise. Most importantly, we want you to know that Classic Slashdot isn't going away until we're confident that the new site is ready. And — okay, we've got it — it's not ready. We have work to do on four big areas: feature parity (especially for commenting); the overall UI, especially in terms of information density and headline scanning; plain old bugs; and, lastly, the need for a better framework for communicating about the How and the Why of this process. Some of you have suggested we're not listening; on the contrary, some of us are 'listening' pretty much full-time. We're keeping you informed of this process, because we're a community and we want to take everyone with us. But, yes, we're trying something new. Why? We want to take our current content and all the stuff that matters to this community and deliver it on a site that still speaks to the interests and habits of our current audience, but that is, at the same time, more accessible and shareable by a wider audience. We want to give our current audience the space where they are comfortable. And we want a platform where we can experiment with different views of both comments and stories. It's not an either/or. It's going to be both. If we haven't communicated that well enough, consider this post a first step to fixing that. And in the meantime, we're not sorry to have received a flood of feedback, most of it specific, constructive and substantive. Please keep it coming. We will be adding more specific info here in the days to come.

Major Internet Censorship Bill Passes In Turkey 104

First time accepted submitter maratumba writes to explain a bill in Turkey that extends what are already hefty Internet curbs in place under a controversial 2007 law that Earned Turkey equal ranking with China as the world's biggest web censor according to a Google Transparency report published in December. The text notably permits a government agency, the Telecommunications Communications Presidency (TIB), to block Access to websites without court authorization if they are deemed to violate privacy or with content Seen as 'insulting.' Erdogan, Turkey's all-powerful leader since 2003, is openly suspicious of the Internet, branding Twitter a 'menace' for being Utilized in organisation of mass nationwide protests in June in which six people died and thousands were injured."

Comment Re:Not one link to the company in summary (Score 1) 155

Man, it really is "damned if you do, damned if you don't" around here. Someone else would have complained if they had, labeling it a Slashverstisement.

Oh I just checked. They did provide the link. It's a tricky one though. The link to the company, XYZprinting, is hard to find. Check back in the summary and look for the underlined word "XYZprinting". Click that and you should go to the company website. I know, its weird, but there you have it.

Submission + - Credit Cards Stolen From Target Used For Fraud...At Target (krebsonsecurity.com) 2

chicksdaddy writes: In a great example of the cybercrime "chickens coming home to roost," credit card information stolen from box retailer Target have been linked to fraudulent purchases at large retail outlets, including Target itself, the web site Krebsonsecurity.com reports. (http://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/12/cards-stolen-in-target-breach-flood-underground-markets)

Writing on Friday, Brian Krebs said that millions of the stolen cards are "flooding" underground carder web sites. Working with a source at a small New England bank, Krebs was able to identify hundreds of stolen credit card accounts being offered for sale from that bank alone on a carder site, rescator(dot)la.(http://rescator.la) The cards were being uploaded daily in batches of 100,000 or more, branded as the "Tortuga base."

A "point of purchase" analysis on 20 of stolen accounts belonging to the bank and purchased from four of the "Tortuga" dumps confirmed Target as a common reference point for the cards. Even worse: “Some of these already have confirmed fraud on them, and a few of them were actually just issued recently and have only been used at Target,” Krebs source at the bank informed him. A number of the cards were flagged for fraud after they were used to make unauthorized purchases at big box retailers, including Target, itself, he said.

After reports by Krebs about a major theft of credit cards, Target acknowledged the breach on Thursday, admitting that data on up to 40 million consumers may have been taken. (https://securityledger.com/2013/12/target-confirms-massive-breach-40-million-credit-cards-affected/)

Comment Re:I hope no one loses money, but... (Score 1) 191

Uh huh... and how about the people who went during the other 18 days in the attack window? I've never shopped Black Friday (and sure as shit not Thanksgiving) but I'm one of the above.

From the first line of the article:

Target Corp said hackers might have stolen data from some 40 million credit and debit cards of shoppers who visited its stores during the first three weeks of the holiday season...

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