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Comment Re: Is every "B-Tier" sport mired in controversey? (Score 1) 37

Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but the regulating body of professional snooker just handled down several multi-year bans/suspensions for several Chinese players due to match fixing. And there have always been allegations against other players like John Higgins, etc.

Comment Re: Criminals shouldn't file lawsuits (Score 0) 123

The validity of an argument is independent of the entity making the argument. While motives may be called into question, the reasoning needs to be judged on it's own.

IMO, the attempt by Texas to achieve some over arching theocracy is absurd. The push to regulate access "on behalf of parents" is just a inversion of the typical "think of the children" mentality. Hysterical, overwrought, and lacking basis in actual fact

Comment Re: We made a college degree mandatory (Score 0) 365

I can't think of many things that can't or shouldn't be blamed on boomers. They're objectively some of the worst people to ever exist. Every action they've taken is nothing but selfishness and greed.

Draft dodging and drugs in the 60s and 70s. Greed and drugs in the 80s and 90s. Lust for power and the refusal to just fucking die from 2000 on. They're garbage, and the sooner they all die, the better off the world will be

Comment Re: I am a Californian (Score 1) 122

Because a lot of the things that 'made America great' were financed by progressive taxes on the super wealthy. It wasn't until the advent of St Reagan and the flawed concept of 'trickle down economics' that we were put on this path. The rampant greed of the 80's has been obvious in public policy ever since. Just another reason the FYGM generation needs to die.

Comment Re: I am a Californian (Score 1) 122

Nobody is taking about 16 shirts. They're taking about 1600 shirts, and the removal of even 320 not substantially impacting the number of shirts you own. Add to that the fact that most of the people supporting your ability to own 1600 shirts can't afford 16 themselves, and you can see why those 1600 shirt motherfuckers should be hung by their own entrails from the nearest tree.

Taxes are how we pay for society. The people who benefit most from that society can afford to pay more to support the society which made their success possible. Nobody is making paupers of millionaires.

Comment Re: How is that "winning"? (Score 2) 84

That's the major failing of automation coupled with capitalism. Now it's just the owners of the robots vs that owners of the slaves.

How would widespread automation be perceived in a predominantly communist culture? And I mean actually all people working for the good of the whole, not Chinese/Russian communism.

I'd argue that people could still find purpose (ie, important 'work'), whether it was the creation of art, works of charity, or simply repairing the machines that allow individual humans more freedom.

Comment Re:What about derived data? (Score 1) 25

Certainly not an expert on Indian politics, but I think it's twofold. It is an attempt to keep Indian PII within India, but I believe that the Indian government also gave themselves the rights to access any data stored within their borders. IIRC, there have been incidents where the government demanded encryption keys (Blackberry for one, not sure on others) to make sure they have access.

So it probably is an effort to keep Indian PII in India - where the government can more conveniently troll through it for anything of "interest".

Comment Re:Cover the Float (Score 4, Insightful) 128

It's more likely so the financial institutions can continue to use your money for their own ventures. There is absolutely no reason that it takes 2 days for a check to clear, except that the banks want 2 days to play around with all the money that's "in transit" between accounts.

Comment Re:Meanwhile, on Twitter (Score 3, Informative) 147

Umm, there's at least 2 members of the Boogaloo Bois who have been charged with inciting a riot and the burning of the Minneapolis police station... and there were undoubtedly plenty of them storming Congress.

So while I don't agree with the inconsistency of Twitter policies, it's probably important to notice that it's the same far-right morons behind the violence in both places. I'm sure you have a "deep state, liberal media, aliens/Chavez/conspiracy" theory to prove that isn't the case, but save it for another time.

Comment Let it happen (Score 2, Interesting) 117

"Commenting on the new study, Richard Dawkins tweeted, "An impact as catastrophic as this will happen again. We don't know when. Using existing science, we could develop the technology to detect, intercept, and divert or destroy a large incoming asteroid. No other species could do it. It's our responsibility.""

Given the way we're currently handling the planet, it might just be better to let it happen and give another species a chance.

Comment Re:And the NEXT pandemic [or worse] (Score 1) 307

*sigh*. from the "citation needed" to the "agree with me or you're a lost cause" argument... I don't know why I would bother, but I guess I don't know better.

1. The fact is that the WORLD should rely on the WORLD Health Organization to, at least in a minor degree, be an impartial and rational judge of the impact of health threats across the globe. It's obvious that no such thing occurred.

2. Australia vs USA death rates are mostly irrelevant. Nowhere near the same amount of international travel occurs through Australia vs the US, so the vector for infection in Australia is significantly reduced. Not to mention that China already owns your government. While we're at it...

3. Compare Australia vs Italy and then tell me how irresponsible the Italian government was *while following directives from the WHO*. You want to look at that as a percentage of population, or is that simply too inconvenient?

Yeah, the US is fucking up severely by reopening too soon and has to deal with flat out retards in Texas denying service to people wearing masks and "mah freedums". That is what it is... but none of that changes the fact that the WHO is a sock-puppet of the Chinese government and killed tens of thousands of people based on the deep seated corruption of WHO "leadership". You can talk about everything that happened after the fact.... but the WHO killed a lot of people by parroting the "nothing to see here" storyline of their Chinese masters.

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