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Comment Re:Science moves, belief is static (Score 1) 892

Truth isn't slippery. Truth is absolute. The problem is that things are presented as truth when they are not. A scientist does a study and finds that cows fed fatty diets die of heart attacks more often than regular cows. That is truth.

To point one: Truth is Absolute.

Indeed it is, but you want to demonstrate to me any aspect of the Truth beyond "I think, therefore I am" and you are pushing shit uphill. In fact, why am I even talking to you? I have no way of proving your existence has anything to do with Truth.

Point two, and this is where almost everyone tends to get confused, mostly because they have been raised in a society formed by some religious dogma claiming to Know The Truth: Science is not the quest for The Truth.

Science is a method for constructing testable hypotheses which through reproducable testing leads to Scientific Theorems, which is a whole bunch more useful. We can use these things for Real Stuff, like making new flavours of cola and supercomputers and thumping great big bridges, rather than simply contemplating the Infinite.

Say it with me kids: Science is not the search for The Truth, it is way cooler than that.


CoD: Black Ops To Get Dedicated Game Servers 69

roh2cool writes "The seventh Call of Duty game is being planned, and it has been dubbed Call of Duty: Black Ops. This game will be developed by Treyarch instead of Infinity Ward. Mark Lamia, Treyarch studio head, confirmed with CVG that in CoD: Black Ops, players will get dedicated game servers for the PC version of the game. Finally, PC gamers will get a chance to rejoice."

Comment Re:Yeah, we're one of the ones stuck with it (Score 1) 479

I don't think in all fairness that anyone could have predicted that Microsoft would not only break compatibility with other browsers, but also break compatibility with their own.

Dude, seriously.

Clearly, you never did any web dev when there was IE 4.x, 5.0, 5.5, 5.0.1 for Mac, and 6.0 all out there, and all working fucking differently.

They _always_ broke compatibility with their own browser, every fucking release.

The whole point of IE was to try and stop a world where it didn't matter what OS or browser you used, web apps would "Just Work". So breaking compatibility was the actual goal, that way you could just convince your corporate drone customers to write some idiotic ActiveX crap and fuck the world wide web.

Comment Re:Article summary (Score -1, Flamebait) 444

Dude, ignorant much?

SQL Server is a piece of crap, the only reason I have ever seen people use it because they are MSCE fanboys, you want a real enterprise DB, SQL server ain't it. You want a cheap but reliable DB, it is still not it. SQL Server only exists because there are a sufficient number of dumb fucks who think they won't be fired for buying MS.

Comment Remind me (Score 1) 425

Why do we care what this 'tard says anymore?

I mean, seriously, why?

I have heard nothing but idiocy come out of his mouth for years, yet somehow people seem to keep giving him the time of day.

De Icaza is known for just one thing these days: he hasn't got a fucking clue. Been so long since he had one, seems he says something even vaguely sane, e.g. ".Net is a trap for the unwary" and it is newsworthy.

I vote we all ignore this tool from here on in.

Comment Re:My Favorite Classics that get Overlooked... (Score 2, Insightful) 325

1. Rogue
2. Moria
3. Nethack
4. Angband

Without them, no Diablo, nor any of the 3D rogue-likes that followed

5) Dune II

First real RTS, and as far as I am concerned, one of the best, so many after that were mere imitators, and before you get on the feature bandwagon, I played Dune II on the Amiga 500. Probably before you were born, if you are actually arguing with me. And yes, Warcraft 2 was awesome, but it would never have existed were it not for Dune II. No, really.

Comment Re:Add to the unsung heros list (Score 2, Interesting) 325

I'd still prefer Ultima IV out of that list...

Word on that, I drove my entire family insane with the sound track to that game.

That said, was an awesome game, only Ultima V has any claim to being as much fun. That said, I do still remember IV more fondly than any other in the Ultima series

Tau Ceti (ZX Spectrum, C64): just the complexity of the game, in a game that loads completely in 48k memory. I could have screamed when I finally won the game and all the game does it say 'mission accomplished, thank you' - but I did get the authors argument that he would have had to scrap part of the gameplay in order to put in some special effects to end the game...

There was a Gauntlet-esque game I played furiously on the C64 called "Into The Eagle's Nest". It had no save points, and in the style of Gauntlet required you to remember where the health and ammo dumps were, and use them judiciously. After many long months learning this silly game on and off, I finally got to the end, to be told:


Worst. Ending. Ever.

Comment Re:Windows 1 was a failure, but... (Score 1) 402

Which is like saying, "when I think of vaporware, I am at odds with the rest of the world and choose to create my own definition". And having decided upon said definition that has squat to do with anyone else, you will now expound upon your definition as if anyone else gives a toss what is happening in bizzaroworld. I would now procede to insult you, but you seem to be doing just fine on your own.

Comment Re:Sustainable (Score 1) 303

Dude. Seriously.

Nature seeks states of equilibrium

Really? You actually believe that shit? Next you'll tell me there is a large breasted Goddess who makes it all so.

Hogshit. Nature is as Darwin described, survival of the fittest, but that in no way guarantees that one species cannot fuck the whole biosphere up for the rest of the residents. There is a reason no one was alive to explain the statues on Easter Island, and to foolishly imagine that we could not manage the same thing globally is to thumb your nose simultaneously at humanity's ability to invent and destroy. And guess what? Humanity does not give a fuck for your opinion, it will move along as the unstoppable force it has been for generations.

Don't get me wrong, I would love the sort of hippy nonsense you are spouting to be true, but the urge to survive is sadly very localised (i.e. you care about those you know), and the urge to say "like I give a fuck about them" is very very general.

Comment Re:Electric Shock (Score 1) 951

And if I ever work phone support again I will assume everything, absolutely everything the person on the other end tells me is a blatant lie.

Is it plugged in? yes? LIER!

It it turned on? yes? LIER!

And if I ever find out some fool has hired you to do anything in IT, even something as lowly as phone support, I will direct them to read this post.

Hint: the word you are painfully searching for is liar.

Comment Drown them all (Score 1) 684

Seriously, the time wasted interviewing these know nothings pretending to know something costs the industry, let alone when some dumb fucking boss actually believes their credentials and gives them "work experience".

If you cannot pass the bullshit tests at Uni, I guarantee you the world will rip you several new ones you will need to explain if you blag your way into a job.

Do us all a favour, go get a job in sales, at least then no one will complain when we beat you up and flush your head down the toilet. Oh, no one told you the dumb guys are the dorks in the real world? Consider a job in door to door. That way you'll rarely meet us.


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