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Submission + - BBC Iplayer - Petition for Linux Version

mormop writes: Following the news that the BBC's online content will only be available in DRM'd form and not at all on Linux, a petition has been started on the UK Government's site.

At the moment, there are around 8000 signatures. Given how much noise you have to make to get anyone to listen in the UK nowadays it's going to take a lot more than that. If you care and you live in the UK or am an ex-pat, sign now. As much as anything, if you have a TV and paid your licence fee, you've already paid for the program's production and am currently paying for the development of software that will stop you viewing them.

Submission + - McDonalds attempts to change dictionary (

templets writes: "It seems the folks at McDonald's believe that forcing dictionary publishers to print their definition of a word is the thing to do, even when it is the opposite of how the word is actually used. I'm taken back to Huxley's 1984, except here the corporations are rewriting history. Would have been nice if Time would have actually spelled the word correctly."

Feed Safari zero-day exploit nets $10,000 prize (

Pwn'd in 12 hours

A New York-based security researcher spent less than 12 hours to identify and exploit a zero-day vulnerability in Apple's Safari browser that allowed him to remotely gain full user rights to the hacked machine. The feat came during the second and final day of the CanSecWest "pwn-2-own" contest in which participants are able to walk away with a fully-patched MacBook Pro if they are first able to hack it.


Submission + - Researchers win $10000 in OS X Security Challenge

crackman writes: Today at the CanSecWest security conference, Shane Macaulay demonstrated a client side vulnerability and exploit developed overnight by Dino Dai Zovi of Matasano Security to win the PWN 2 0WN contest. The pair walks away with the recently raised bounty of $10000 as well as the MacBook used in the demonstration. Matasano has promised details of the vulnerability will be disclosed at a later date.

Submission + - NetBrowserPro: Porn Browser Installs Malware

An anonymous reader writes: reports that a new web browser has been released, supposedly to help you "surf for porn safely". What the makers of the browser don't mention is the rootkit technology deployed alongside a fake media codec that is actually a Trojan. As for the porn it serves up, many of the galleries it links to redirect you to content that could be viewed as questionable with regards the age of some of the models. This isn't the first time a "rogue browser" has appeared — in the past 12 months, we've had Yapbrowser, Safety Browser and Browsezilla. Is it possible that the development of new web browsers will suffer a "chilling effect" if individuals continue to make browsers that take you to spyware, hijacks and illegal porn?

Submission + - Google to Viacom-The law is clear, and on our side

An anonymous reader writes: Google responded to the opinion piece in the Washington Post by a Viacom Lawyer with a letter to the editor titled "An End Run on Copyright Law." "Viacom is attempting to rewrite established copyright law through a baseless lawsuit. In February, after negotiations broke down, Viacom requested that YouTube take down more than 100,000 videos. We did so immediately, working through a weekend. Viacom later withdrew some of those requests, apparently realizing that those videos were not infringing, after all. Though Viacom seems unable to determine what constitutes infringing content, its lawyers believe that we should have the responsibility and ability to do it for them. Fortunately, the law is clear, and on our side."

Submission + - Some History of multiprocessing and Linux SMP

An anonymous reader writes: A lot of great work has gone into the Linux kernel to exploit SMP, but the operating system by itself is not enough. The kernel does its part to optimize the load across the available CPUs (from threads to virtualized operating systems). All that's left is to ensure that the application can be sufficiently multi-threaded to exploit the power in SMP. This article explores the ideas behind multiprocessing and developing SMP applications for Linux

Submission + - Better Jukebox Software for Bigger Libraries?

jimjenkins1975 writes: I recently ripped and encoded my entire CD and Vinyl library, as well as merged my home and work computer's libraries (I work at a music company so my work library is very very large). It resulted in well over 750 GB of MP3's. I was hoping to get away with using iTunes to manage this, however the XML database file has grown very large, and the application itself is nonresponsive or very sluggish at best once it has loaded up (a process that takes several minutes itself) Question: Is there another application with similar features out there that can handle a library of this size with aplomb? I'm primarily on a Mac, and would prefer to keep using it, but I have a PC as well. Any ideas?

Submission + - California proposes new tests for voting machines

An anonymous reader writes: California Secretary of State Debra Bowen is proposing tough new standards on touchscreen voting machines. From the article: "For the first time, California is demanding the right to try hacking every voting machine with red teams of computer experts and to study the software inside the machines, line-by-line, for security holes."

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