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Comment Spend the money and get Dreamweaver (Score 1) 545

you won't need to buy it ever again, the version you get will do everything you need, forever.

you can let it do the work, this gaining the wrath of the pure, or you can just code up the html with your bare hands.

the preview is nice, the fact it pulls up related pages for edit (.css files, etc) is useful and it will manage your site tree and ftp for you as well.

pricey, but a good product that isn't going away.

Vi, Vim are great too. but that doesn't sound like what you are looking for.


The White House Listed On Real Estate Website Screenshot-sm 123

Forget visiting the White House, if you have $10 million you can own it. At least that is the price for the president's home on the real estate website Redfin. From the article: "Obviously this is an error. It looks like Redfin software pulled an example listing from the website by mistake. That example listing was the White House. We have e-mailed Redfin for comment." I know it's historic but it still looks a bit on the high side according to the comparables in the area.

Comment what is this REALLY about? (Score 1) 711

the Wolfenstein people said it was a piece of cake porting Wolf 3D to the iPhone

I wonder if this isn't really about Apple cutting off script kiddies at the knees by now allowing half-ass interpreters and extra "layers" on top of what is their gig. and the subsequent whining as the copy/paste elite have no templates to apply their incredibly awesome skillz on.


Simulation of Close Asteroid Fly-By 148

c0mpliant writes "NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have released a simulation of the path of an asteroid, named Apophis, that will come very close to Earth in 2029 — the closest predicted approach since humans have monitored for such heavenly bodies. The asteroid caused a bit of a scare when astronomers first announced that it would enter Earth's neighborhood some time in the future. However, since that announcement in 2004, more recent calculations have put the odds of collision at 1 in 250,000."

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