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Comment Status Symbol (Score 1) 738

If it is anything like some federal agencies, the blackberry is seen as a status symbol. Look, I'm important enough to be needed at anytime... most really aren't that important. I declined one when I switched offices but there are people (non-IT or managers) with blackberries. Waste of money.

Comment Re:Passwords are stupid (Score 1) 343

It is sort of the same system employed by the military with their Common Access Card... authentication requires two things.. something you possess (the card) and something you know (your PIN). You need both. One without the other is useless. And the card will lock you out after three wrong attempts.

Comment Re: How does (Score 1) 1088

I do not think it is correct that the US military lacks the will. It is what they train for. Most of it can be done without looking upon a single enemy combatant; it is just a matter of how much explosives to apply.

It is the public/American society that is not willing to accept the collateral damage.

Comment Re:hmm... the internet doesn't work like MS exchan (Score 2, Interesting) 523

Did you even bother to read the complete summary? No. Well, let me qoute the relevant part for you: "According to the BBC, Morrell also 'acknowledged the already-leaked documents' viral spread across the internet made it unlikely they could ever be quashed,' but hopes to prevent the dissemination of a further 15,000 documents WikiLeaks is reportedly in the process of redacting."

Idiot indeed but it isn't the Pentagon

Submission + - Is HTC in violation of the GPL?

An anonymous reader writes: It has been almost 3 weeks since the HTC EVO 4G officially went on sale on June 4th and a month since it was available to Google IO attendees, yet, HTC has yet to release their modified linux kernel source code as required by the license (GPL V2) of the Linux kernel in the Android operating system. Requesting the source code through HTC only garners this response:

"Thank you for providing us with the request for the sourc code for your EVO 4G, to which I understand you are entitled. I also understand that in the legal information of the phone it says to contact Customer Service with this request, although that is not entirely correct. From Technical Support, we can only pass along your request to the appropriate department, and as they do have your request it will be posted. This is not a gambit of any sort nor a desire to keep anything from our users; as to why it is not available yet, I do not know, nor do my supervisors. If we at Technical Support did have access to either send out the code or post it on the website, I would be more than happy to do so as I understand that you are anxious for it and I would love to be able to provide it. The request has been made to the appropriate department, and when the code is posted it will be available at I apologize that it is not available at this very moment, and I thank you for your patience in this matter. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us again."

Does the source have to be released at the same time as the product or is there a grace period? What responsibility do the retailers (Sprint, Best Buy, Radio Shack) share in the responsibility to ensure HTC complies with the GPL?

Submission + - GM Blames Recall on Chinese Parts (

Carquestions writes: The latest GM Recall of 1.5 million cars for the heated washer fluid electronic module failed to mention all the details. Carquestions finds out it was worth a look when M. Whinton finds a "Made in China" sticker right on the back of the module hidden from view. Of all the recall documents Whinton has from NHTSA (30+) GM never mentions the part was made in China but they do show GM clearly blaming the manufacturer by claiming a defect in the printed circuit board and other components.

Submission + - Scientists claim tenfold increase in laptop batter (

nk497 writes: Laptop and phone batteries could last a week between charges following a breakthrough from scientists at MIT. Replacing conventional battery electrodes with those coated with carbon nanotubes can drastically increase the power to weight ratio compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries. According to the scientists, the energy output for a given weight of this new electrode material was five times greater than for conventional capacitors, and the total power delivery rate was 10 times that of lithium-ion batteries. They are also very stable, showing no change in performance over 1,000 charge cycles.

Comment Re:Thanks to politicians like this... (Score 1) 263

I work in an open office, it is easier for me to send a text than call someone since you never know who in the office could be eavesdropping. Before that I worked in an area that didnt allow my cellphone in the office, google voice offered online texting. Not all of my friends set around a computer all day monitoring their email. And most work place email is definitely monitored.

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