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Comment Re:No matter how much power we gave them ... (Score 1) 319

The Nazis, and German public by association, weren't doing it because Christianity said to do it. You'd have an easier time arguing that they did it due to science. It was an in thing to research racial science. Charles Lindberg himself, one of the most influential Americans of the time had supported the notion of racial purity (from a scientific stand point). You can find plenty of things in history to throw out for Christianity. No reason to Godwin the discussion and try to pin Nazism, or more specifically the Holocaust, on Christianity.

Comment Re: It's political correctness that LIE to the peo (Score 1) 319


Coined in 1943 by Raphael Lemkin (1900–1959), a Polish-Jewish legal scholar, to describe what the Nazis perpetrated against the Jewish people in the Holocaust[1]. From the stem of Ancient Greek (génos, “race, kind”) or Latin gns (“tribe, clan”) (as in genus), + -cide (“killing, killer”).

Comment Re:Parameter mismatch (Score 1) 83

In any case, none of these heavenly bodies care at all what we call them, and nothing we say can influence their properties or behavior.

Except, it being a moon informs about the potential properties and behavior of the object. A moon has properties that decreases the likelihood of life forming on it.

Comment Re:Pointless classification. (Score 1) 83

Gas giants usually occur outside the "Goldilocks" zone. So those moons would be ice cold. Ignoring that. You have a object that is not always being hit by the sun, as the moon would be going through the planet's shadow. And then, you have that moons tend to be tidally locked to the planet.

Comment Re:Why not gas giants too? (Score 1) 83

That's a pointless debate. Prove that life can exist there and maybe the debate is meaningful. Further, there's no sense in spending time exploring a gas giant over an earth like one for intelligent life. You go to the earth like planet and find no intelligent life (or life), oh well. But there's still a chance you could colonize it. The gas giant there's no second place for not finding life.

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