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Comment Re:Needs a honeypot (Score 1) 336

The Detroit colony, which dates to long before the radical era, has spoken up, but the problem is worldwide. The Saudi king may claim to be our ally against radicals, but his royal family is riddled with princes whose money enables terror to go international. If the King were sincere, he would repudiate the Wahhabism that started Islam on its radical turn just as the rest of the world was industrializing and reach back to, say, the Abbasid tradition to define a non-radical version of the faith.

Comment Re:Careful, they might shoot back (Score 1) 336

The article you linked refers to military gear we gave Yemen to hold off jihadists and which has now is presumably in ISIS hands. It is well established that the same thing happened to the arms we gave the new Iraqi Army, the one which fled at the first sign of fire.

Why exactly would we want to keep the Russians out? My impression of the best outcome in the Middle East is for the Russians or the Chinese to take over the region and grind it under a generation or two of the sort of iron-fisted colonial rule that Europe or the US would not contemplate. Let them have its oil in return - we are well on the way to producing our own needs, and this would spur the eventual replacement of oil by nonfossil energy sources.

Comment Re:Hasn't been involved with Greenpeace since 1985 (Score 1) 573

Greenpeace espouses the standard climate scenario of today's radicals, which is that all bad weather is the fault of human-emitted carbon. So if this is the case, we need to eliminate emitted carbon right away. When can we kick open the doors to Yucca Mountain and start building the new reactor fleet?

Comment Re:Desalinate Hadera style (Score 1) 417

Changing California water law to end the water priority for farmers would be a powerful motivator to desalinate water for agriculture. City people are probably going to reject "frankenwater" anyway, this being California, but the flat-earth lobby wouldn't be able to stop huge desal plants being built in the San Joaquin. Agricultural usage would more easily lend itself to experimentation with new technologies that will offer lower costs over RO.

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