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Comment Re:Prove it (Score 1) 393

I agree with the "prove it", but isn't the current big bang theory that initially everything was energy for a short while and there were no particles, therefore neither matter nor anti-matter, initially? If so, the idea of the article of when and why and how the imbalance occurred seems very relevant.

Comment Okham is very fast racer (Score 1) 233

And the fail is you misspelled "misspelt" attempting to do a spelling correction.

The real truth is that Occam didn't have a razor, those didn't get invented until several centuries later, and that a correct translation is "Occam's Lathe" but the Greek translation to German got mistranslated into English, as I'm sure you heard, and so we go ....

And so goes history ...

Comment Jerkfaces Usually Get Their Due (Score 0) 328

Rights always get adjusted when they get abused in a way that hurts people consistently.

And revenge porn only exists with the intent for jerkbags to hurt people emotionally.

Is there room for this behavior in a world where saying the "N" word, calling gay people words beginning with "F", etc. isn't socially acceptable?

This is a no-brainer. Revenge porn is an abuse of trust.

Comment Sure the comment was stupid but ... (Score 1) 509

I'm sure with 438 men and women in Congress, stupid things get said everyday.

And most of them are 60 or 70 years old and don't understand things like the internet, cell phones and haven't been in college or highschool in 50 some years to know what science is.

This isn't so surprising that someone would say something very ignorant, but no doubt it happens every day and those people are out in the real world too.

Comment Amazon Bothers Me (Score 1) 88

Who do I trust to stuff like this right? In order ...

1. Steam
2. Apple
*distant dip in confidence from here on *
3. Microsoft (oddly)
4. Google (doesn't have user's interests in mind)
*And now it gets real shaky*
5. Amazon (doesn't seem to get things "right", hard to explain)
6. Sony (trust is major factor)
7. Nintendo (doesn't seem to understand market at all)

Comment Re:Ethical is irrelevant. (Score 1) 402

Possibly this:

But I admit I don't know any of true conclusive link, I remembering hearing this on our "so called news" --- which in modern times doesn't necessarily mean it is true.

But I have no evidence it was false either ...

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