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Comment Re:No, not us... (Score 1) 106

Have you heard the US government say: "Yes, we spy on the whole internet including American civilians, including government leaders of friendly nations. Yes, we know it's against our own laws. Yes, we also engage in economic espionage."? I guess I missed that statement from Obama. Of course any government would deny any uncovered secret operation.

Also, have you thought about the scenario, that the Chinese government is actually NOT involved in this? Have you considered that all these reports from all these self-proclaimed security researchers, might be inaccurate or just wrong? Have you read these reports (I mean actual report, not the summaries in the press)? Would this report hold up in court as prove? And would the US government care whether it was wrong or inaccurate? Or would it benefit some (domestic) political agenda? Just asking questions. You should try it too.

Comment Re:Location services (Score 1) 76

I don't think you get it. This has nothing to do with your phone. It's the phone network that keeps track of where you are. Your phone does not need GPS. It just needs to be on. Now it seems that other people, besides your network operator, are able to query the network for your location by just knowing your phone number. And those people are not necessarily your friends.

Comment Re:IPv6 Addresses (Score 2) 305

How do we manage this with phone numbers? We have someone call or text us, store the received number in our cell phone's phonebook, give it a descriptive name and we forget about the number. If only we had something like this for IP-addresses... Oh, we do! It's called DNS and works fine for both IPv4 and IPv6.

Can we now please stop whining people cannot remember 128 bits?

Comment Re:Fuck IPv6 (Score 1) 305

I have 1 public facing ip and my whole house behind it. Why would i want 20 devices with their asses hanging out on the web?

Why would you want more than 640 KB RAM?

Anyway, you don't seem to understand IPv6 very well, as many people who are somehow against it. This discussion has been done many times already and I will not repeat it. You just keep your IPv4 and be happy with it. But let others have their IPv6.

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