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Comment Re:It seems like Apple wants us to ditch adapters. (Score 1) 256

I'd agree with you if the bluetooth radio on Iphone worked consistently well. A close friends Iphone x often doesn't connect to bluetooth devices. Even her IWatch doesn't connect frequently. I've had similar issues with my own Iphone 6s.

Comment Re:Stop using tangible object metaphore (Score 1) 83

Well said. It's almost as if people should do work to get paid. When my boss complains about me being on slashdot all day I can just say well your still using the software I wrote. I forget what band it was but they only see their recordings as promotions to concerts where they make money. You want to support a band, go see them live. Otherwise your supporting an arcane industry based on ripping off artist fans.

Comment Re:Minorities (Score 1) 498

You are right. I was thinking in terms of ethnic minorities. The commenter was mixing sex, religion, ethnicity and geographic origin. I was saying the commenter was referring to labels, not specifically minority labels. Implying that Kunedog was being pedantic.

Comment Re:What you want is freedom from choice (Score 1) 133

not having my batttery run out or having it make it to the next upgrade cycle is great priority over the absolutely fastest iphone

At what cost? How much of a performance penalty are you willing to take? I think it's a sensible option that's like power management on a laptop. I personally would rather go down to my local phone repair shop, drop $40 on a new battery, and keep my phone going for 2 more years.

Comment Re:I almost always lease... (Score 1) 311

I can't agree with you more. Just make sure you're buying a vehicle that will last that long (be wary of non japanese or korean cars). Lately the used car market hasn't been much of a value and loans seem to be better on a new car. 0 to 1% loans are available so you would be foolish to not take a loan. With inflation your actually getting the car at a lower price on the loan.

Comment Re:Conservative Values (Score 1) 711

It goes like this. Nazi's are racists. Some calling themselves alt-right are racists so alt-right is nazi's. Alt-right is a consrervitive group so conservatives are nazis. This guy didn't say women and men are genetically the same so obviously he is a sexist racist. So he must be a conservative, nazi, alt-righter, drumpf supporter.

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Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
