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Comment Professional Mass Emailer (Score 2) 405

At the company I work at, I run several large high volume mass mailing servers that send million of messages a month (50 million last month). Here is what I recommend you do:

1) Get forward and reverse DNS setup and most importantly, the forward and reverse DNS information must match.

2) Set up and use DKIM for all outbound traffic.

3) Have the SPF information in your DNS records. Don't put your block of IP's in SPF record, just the one IP that you use for sending email. Make sure there is a "-all" in the records so that it makes it clear that all other email claiming to be you is discarded by other server.

4) You will need to setup Feed Back Loops and proper SWIP (If possible) contact information. You will need to go to the big 10 ISP's and submit the FBL information to them and get put on their White Lists. Don't lie to them, just tell them your personal email server that is having issues sending mail to them and you want to get on their White List. FBL's are usually for people who send high volumes of mail, include Newsletters and some "spammy" mail, but I find it helps regular mail servers if you set up FBL information.

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 1) 485

Let's cede the argument that Bush made a mess in Iraq. If Obama's planned and announced withdrawal of troops basically took the bandage off the wound and it took the scab with it, then there's plenty of blame to go around if it gets infected. Public calls for a withdrawal could have taken a backseat to ensuring gradual stabilization of the country and reduction of forces. Obama was still adored by the masses and could spare a little political capital to go along with the military and intel leaders. But he slowly replaced those leaders with "yes" men who painted a withdrawal with no consequences.

Say it real slow to yourself, the US can't post troops in countries without a forces agreement. Iraq did not want to agree to an agreement that would have kept US troops in the country. This is not a Obama or Bush issue, it's a Iraqi government issue. When it is time to go, it is time to go.

Comment Re:Why at a place of learning? (Score 1) 1007

Creationism is Religious subject and Evolution is a Scientific subject. You can't compare one with the other and Creationism does not belong in a science classroom since it does not pass being a working hypothesis. There is nothing to debate and pretending that Creationism is debatable subject in the context of Evolution is a insult to Science.

Comment Re:Cold Fusion News (Score 2) 315

E-Cat is bullshit. The most prevalent isotope of nickel is Ni-58. If could somehow add a proton to Ni-58 you would get copper 59, (Cu-59). Cu-59 has an 81.5 second half life and decays to Ni-59 via positron emission. Nickel 59 is unstable and decays via electron capture to cobalt 59 (Co-59) with a half life if 76,000 years. The second most prevalent isotope of nickel is nickel-60 (Ni-60). If you add somehow add a proton to Ni-60 it becomes copper 61 (Cu-61) which decays to nickel 61 (Ni-61) via positron emission with a half life of three hours and 18 minutes. If Rossi's E-Cat reactor works as advertised then after a few hours of operation you could remove the fuel samples (assuming that it was nickel with the isotope ratios observed in nature) and expect to find copper 59, cobalt 59, copper 63 (from adding a proton to Ni-62) and copper 65 (from adding a proton to Ni-64). You would also expect to have very detectible radioactive emissions while the E-Catalyzer was running. And yet there are no radioactive decay products and Rossi won't allow anyone to test his apparatus by providing their own samples of hydrogen and nickel and then analyzing the byproducts. For E-Cat to work everything we know about beta decay and the weak nuclear force would have to be wrong. I'll bet on over 100 years of observations of nuclear interactions any day of the week over some bullshit being spun by a sleazy fraud like Rossi.

Comment Re:Update to Godwin's law? (Score 1) 575

Yeah, fuck you asshole. Seriously. The PATRIOT act was passed by Bush and the Republicans, who also went on an eight year spending spree and ran up massive deficits, just that great conservative hero Ronald Reagan. Then there's that other great Republican hero Richard M. Nixon, who instituted wage and price controls, ran up up massive debts, spied on Americans who disagreed with him and was so out of control that even J. Edgar Hoover told him to fuck off, which is why the plumbers unit that tried to pull of the Watergate burglaries was formed. If we had a Republican president doing the same things you wouldn't be saying a single fucking word about it. You'd be down on your knees with his cock in your mouth sucking as hard as you could while he rubbed his flag pin and talked about Jeebus.

Comment Re:Test string here: (Score 4, Informative) 399

Most sshd daemons aren't configured to accept just any environment variables, they limit exposure with an AcceptEnv directive in the sshd configuration file (/etc/ssh/sshd_config on most Linux versions. This means that

env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' ssh some_user@some_server

probably won't work on most systems but

env LC_FRED='() { :;}; echo vulnerable ssh some_user@some_server'

will if the server is configured to accept the LC_* environment variables with the AcceptEnv directive in sshd_config.

Comment Re:Nope they are clever (Score 1) 336

> You regularly use NFC for payments? You must be some kind of wizard.

I use Google Wallet all the time: Pete's Coffee, 7-11, Whole Foods, Home Depot, Target (I'm pretty sure I used it at a Target last time). With the Target hacking, most of the Payment Terminals are being replaced and support Google Wallet.

Comment Stupid Blame Game (Score 5, Insightful) 1198

Why is Elliot Rodger being put into the Nerd category? I have not seen anything on this guy that would put him in the Geek or Nerd category. What languages did he code in? What con's did he attend? What was his comic book/manga collection like? What technical degree's did he hold? This discussion has nothing to do with "misogyny entitlement nerds" but a genuine crazy kid.

Just because some guy is a Asperger social reject does not put him into the category of nerd or geek. Elliot has major issues and he blamed women and people who had social skills for his troubles. He was an entitled little shit who thought having a BMW, traveling the world and wearing $500 sweaters would automatically get him the girls. It turns out he lacked the one major component in the Get The Girl Formula that you really need, a personality. He found an outlet in Men's Rights/The Red Pill/Misogyny but he could have found an outlet in any of the other shitty beliefs that exist in our society like 9/11 conspiracies, Little Green Men and the Black President is from Kenya. Blaming a sub collection of a sub portion of our culture is not going to find the answer to the complex problem of what to do with truly mentally ill people.

Comment Re:California is dead, TEXAS is where it's at... (Score 0) 190

> Look, I am not a Texas cheer-leader or anything, but I will say, at least we have jobs, and a much lower unemployment rate than the average. All of my kids are in private schools, because of the education thing... still our cost of living is significantly lower, and our lifestyle significantly higher than when we lived in California.

I would be willing to bet that high property taxes, huge electric bills and funding private education for your kids (Depends on how many you have), that your Total Taxes + School Fees + Electric Bills are not any lower than my California Taxes and Property Taxes. I don't need private education or have $500 electric bills.

Plus, Rick Perry.

Comment Re:California = 1D10T Errors (Score 5, Insightful) 420

> Rather, it is all about killing agriculture in the southwest to free up more water for California urbanites.

Agriculture uses about 70%, with industry using 20% and urban populations using 10% of the water. Agriculture, you know, that stuff you eat from those greedy bastards in California.

> Nevada rancher stand off...

Bullshit. It's about some welfare rancher not paying his grazing fee's. Pure and simple. He has no intellectual or legal argument, so he is whipping up the dummies over on Fox News to call out the Tea Party morons to protest his desire to rip off the Tax Payers.

Comment Forget Cars! (Score 1) 174

People talk about cars as the next big thing, but in reality, it's trucks. Google 18 wheeler will be able to get on the highway and travel across the country in a couple of days. The big transit points and warehouses are already next to the freeway, just load up Google 18 wheeler, have it take off and two turns later it is on the highway trucking across the country. Just need to make gas stations with attendants that will fill up the trucks gas tanks and check the tires.

Comment Re: Congressional fix? (Score 1) 217

Well, the USA does not. To get a heart you need to go before a panel to decide if you are "worthy" and you will survive. If you will not survive or you are not going to take care of yourself, you will not get that heart. I'm pretty sure that the "insurance will pay for a heart transplant while you are laying in bed with inoperable brain cancer which is expected to kill you within 2 months" is Right Wing propaganda bullshit.

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