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Comment Maybe the current regs are too strict (Score 1) 224

Nuclear is currently the safest energy source (measure in deaths per KWh http://www.forbes.com/sites/ja... ). Even in the worst combination of things going wrong, the harm to people is small, while there are hundreds of fatal accidents in the fossil fuel industry each year (search for something like 'gas explosion' on google news).

Imagine if cars were held to the same standards as nuclear power plants. You'd need to get crash rates below 1 in 100 million user years. Make sure that even in the worst crash imaginable (e.g. car at max speed hitting a crowd of people) nobody (except maybe the driver) was exposed to a harmful level of force. All fuel would need to be transported in something that could survive being hit by a plane. All emissions would have to be captured and stored until they were safe. You could get road deaths down from the 1.2 million per year ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... ) (not including deaths from pollution) but I think cars would not be cheap.

Comment Re:For example (Score 1) 148

Looks like the column limit is still an issue. https://bugs.documentfoundatio...
"The tl;dr is: "increasing the column limit will increase the the memory needed for every sheet extremelly" unless we "change the column container to a dynamic container," a change that "might take much more time" than a month."
On the other hand 4.2 made big changes to how data is held in spreadsheets https://wiki.documentfoundatio... so maybe there is some improvement for large sheets if you don't actually hit the the hard limit.

Maybe you could file a bug for the second one.

Comment Re:Liberated? What about the hardware? (Score 3, Insightful) 229

You have to take steps to make progress. You can take something useful and make it more open (like librem) or you could start from scratch and make something very basic that is completely open.

You can take bigger strides towards openness and get something like Novena, but then you make other sacrifices (size, cost, performance).

I guess if you had infinite money you could make a high spec, completely opensource laptop.

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