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Submission + - The $350 Apple Watch costs $84 to manufacture. ( 2

chasm22 writes: You can bet Apple is betting on its loyal base to counter this with the good old adage of who cares "it just works". I guess 'it just works' just works as a excuse for excessive profits under any and all circumstances. Because apparently the watch is going to make more profits percentage wise than any previous Apple product.

Comment Re:How is this new? Isn't it Anti-Net Neutrality? (Score 1) 112

Well, besides the obvious new stuff allowing you to access multiple cell providers with no input from you, the main benefit I see here is the ability to recoup unused data. If you buy 2GB but only use 1.5GB, you get a refund of 5 bucks.

I don't know how much this would have save me through my years with Verizon, but it would have been significant since about 80 per cent of the time I don't use all the data on my plan and of that amount I would estimate it to average close to a gig a month.

If the cell providers that Google partnered with have any brains at all, the impact of this could be huge. It seems to me that it is in effect making Tmobile and Sprint one network and it doesn't take a genious to understand that, with just a little bit of foresight, this will allow them to dramatically expand their coverage while only making half the investment. . Using Google's technology they would no longer have to have competing towers.I'm sure Google understands the implications of it also and are hoping they do just that, thus allowing Google to utilize a network that could compete directly with Verizon and ATT.

Submission + - New technology can increase the bandwidth of WiFi systems by 10 times (

chasm22 writes: Researchers at Oregon State University have invented a new technology that can increase the bandwidth of WiFi systems by 10 times, using LED lights to transmit information.

The system can potentially send data at up to 100 megabits per second. Although some current WiFi systems have similar bandwidth, it has to be divided by the number of devices, so each user might be receiving just 5 to 10 megabits per second, whereas the hybrid system could deliver 50-100 megabits to each user.

Comment Re:Update (Score 3, Interesting) 83

Let's do some more math. All cell calls within a mile are intercepted and rerouted. I really don't give a hoot about this particular case, but how about giving us an educated guess as to how many 'innocent' cell phone calls are intercepted each and every day in each and every major city(and undoubtedly many mid and small sized cities as well) by not only the local PD but also any number of state and federal agencies.

Sorry, you can make this seem small with your math, but in reality this is probably a bigger threat to your privacy than anything the NSA does. Why? Because these individual machines(stingrays) are each given personal service. This isn't a vacumn cleaner approach, but something far more intrusive.

I've seen too many instances where local judges make decisions that run contrary(IMHO) to our Constitution. I remember a local case where the police stopped a vehicle, found 25lbs of pot and had the brilliant idea of using the vehicles GPS to try and figure out where the purchase was made. Hmm. It turns out that they raided the last stop made by the car with a search warrant issued by a local judge. That wasn't the problem. The problem was the location wasn't where the bad guys had made their purchase. Big problem? Not really. You see the judge had decided to issue a blanket search warrant for all the locations on the GPS. And that is the problem with the stingray. A search warrant for one cell phone is really a warrant for thousands of cell phones.

Comment 100 mph? (Score 1) 74

Is this freaking for real? First flight should be flying one of these drones, carrying a maximum payload, into a crash test dummy. Second test should be the drone 'accidently' dropping a maximum payload package and having it hit a crash test dummy. Third test should be what happens when the operator receives a text while operating a drone. Fourth test, well I really don't care because 400 ft and 100mph is a non starter for me. Sure, the planes flying above them will be safe but what about the rest of us?

Hey, I'm not against commercial drones. But I was watching a show on Pivot where they were using a $100,000 plus military style drone to try and capture some poachers. The person operating it was an experienced with time spent in Afghanistan flying military drones IIRC. The thing spent a lot more time being repaired after 'unplanned events' than it did in the air. No one was hurt but they were flying in a remote and largely uninhabited region. So yeah, I say let's make Amazon test these things to the max before they are allowed to unleash them into the 'wild'. If not, can anyone tell me the best guage and choke pattern to use?

Submission + - Los Angeles To Deploy Philips City Touch Technology (

chasm22 writes: Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), the global leader in lighting, today announced that the City of Los Angeles (LA) will become the first city in the world to control its street lighting through an advanced Philips management system that uses mobile and cloud-based technologies.

With all the discussions over security issues and privacy concerns involved with the IoT, let's hope Phillips has made its system secure. This quote from the news release seems to send a mixed message; "Furthermore, the entire system can be securely controlled and managed remotely through any web browser."

Comment Re:Julian, California: Apple pies, yum! (Score 1) 191

Unfortunately, fires have drmatically changed the flavor of the region. Julian in the 70's through the 90's was truly well worth the drive from San Diego. If you left early enough, you could many options for getting there and back. Palomar Observatory, the desert, etc. all could add up to fantastic one day adventure. If, per chance, you made the trip on a motorcycle you would enjoy a ride that defined the very reason you were a rider and not a driver.

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