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Comment Get over it... (Score 1) 252

Your data is probably shared all over the internet anyway. Example of this is when you go to sign up for myups, they know who your parents\granparents (and their addresses. They use the info to generate questions to validate who you are, try it, it's spooky). You can't guard you info everywhere, and if someone really wants your information, they will get it. Just don't make yourself a target. I try to limit what goes where, but I don't loose sleep at night about it.

Comment 400+ tabs (Score 1) 300

I use my browser as a notebook, to keep track of lines of though, Instead of bookmarking stuff I just leave it open. Noscript\ghostery help alot because most of the cpu cycles are being wasted on badly written javascript in ads that are spying on you anyway.

Comment And yet it continues to suck (mostly) (Score 1) 209

First off: I'm glad that people write software and don't care about being compensated for it. But I continually find that open source software is written by programmers for programmers. I'm an engineer, when I sit down at a piece of software, I expect it to work and be able to use it intuitively. Most open source projects write code or come up with gui's that are so arcane it takes you a week to figure out how to use it, I don't have that kind of time and I don't have that kind of time when I work. I've picked up several block diagram programs that are free\open source in the last few days, they are not intuitive and have a huge learning curve just to get them to work. Paid projects have people that sit around all day and says "How can I improve the interface to make it more usable"

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