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Comment Re:Linux (Score 1) 265

Sure - most AAA games are not on Linux today. That goes without saying. Most mainstream engines are just now starting to support Linux. SteamOS is not yet released for the general public. Linux users on the Steam network is less than 2% of the total user base. I mean, come on - what do you expect. But the race has barely begun yett

Comment Re:Linux (Score 2) 265

Valve is indeed doing something about it, and we should be happy it's exactly Valve who has picked up the task to do this. They got a track record for keeping a steady course with a long perspective on things.

The world is a restless place - and the internet world particularly so. But one should now remember that it's not more than a year ago the Steam client arrived on Linux, and from then until now it's become an *amazing* catalogue of games available for Linux.

The next chapter, and the grand test, is when SteamOS goes out of beta and into production. That's when we all got a reason to bite our nails and hope for the best. But until then there are every reason to celebrate where we have gotten so far.


Australian Law Enforcement Pushes Against Encryption, Advocates Data Retention 88

angry tapir (1463043) writes "Australia is in the middle of a parliamentary inquiry examining telecommunications interception laws. Law enforcement organisations are using this to resurrect the idea of a scheme for mandatory data retention by telcos and ISPs. In addition, an Australian law enforcement body is pushing for rules that would force telcos help with decryption of communications."

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 79

Dare I ask why "DRM is intolerable to anyone with a brain"? It's a popular opinion, but I have always failed to see why. As a legal gamer who pay for my games I experience no problems with services like Steam whatsoever. In fact I find the service to be of great value. I never have to worry about keeping/maintaining physical discs for later install, no worries about media format changing or anything like that. I got my Steam account, and thus all my games available for all my PCs I've ever bought and ever will buy. Period. How can this be a bad thing?

Comment Isn't this very similar to the PS4? (Score 4, Interesting) 110

"[...] it allows for unified memory architectures and eventually cache coherency"

Isn't this more or less precisely how the PS4 is designed? If my memory(!) servers me correctly I'd call this a pretty good design move by Sony, something that should potentially bode well for the longevity of that console, once the games are designed for this type of architecture.

Comment Re:How to make windows great for gaming (Score 1) 158

I was trying to be funny. To "install Ubuntu" is just not an answer to the question "how to make WINDOWS great for gaming", just like "enter a plane" is not the answer to the questions "how to make a car fly". I am a Linux user myself and the day Steam came to Linux was a fantastic day. A majority of the games I currently own on Steam today runs on Linux.

Comment Legit, but part of the trade (Score 2) 331

Their arguments are legit, but rooted in the old-fashioned way of designing/thinking user interfaces. In todays world professional designers *must* learn to build dynamic interfaces. There's simply no way around it any more. It comes with the trade. To say "we skip this platform cause we don't have fixed pixel measurements to design within" is another way of saying "we have got designers who simply refuse to learn modern design work." In a few years time we need to design interfaces that works both on tablets, car stereos, fridges and friggin' GLASSES, ffs. Tell the world then that you don't want to relate to dynamic interfaces in your work... :D

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