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Comment Re:These used to allow self hosted Jira (Score 1) 94

We still self-host Jira and Confluence onsite where I work and everything has continued to run smoothly through this debacle. I hope more customers demand they bring that model back as an option.

How is it so many people here can't even be bothered to google. They still have options to self-host - just google the data center version of whatever you think you need, I'm pretty sure it exists.

Comment Re:These used to allow self hosted Jira (Score 1) 94

Atlassian used to allow self hosting Jira and other products. They took that away not long ago,

So the fact that they still sell self-hosted versions of all their products (the "data center" versions) somehow ceased to exist in your reality?

They stopped selling the single node server licenses. They didn't stop selling self hosted solutions.

Comment Re:lolwut (Score 1) 100

I don't recall the Yankees flying to Japan to play other teams. Until then sorry the MLB is not a world wide league when teams of one of the best "other" leagues are not participating.

And if it is foreign teams always travelling then it is also not a true world league as you bias the "home" of the games.

Just like other sports, the league is no better - it is just a self reinforcing loop of following the money (and protectionism). If it were to go truly global, and players regularly travelled to japan and played those teams, the money in those teams would go up and you'd have people heading from US to Japan teams and the teams would largely level out.

The dominant teams will just be where the money is, and while the biggest league is restricted to USA, the players will go there. Nothing inherently better about US baseball than any other country.

Comment Re:Lotsa luck (Score 1) 100

This would be super simple. We have 2 classifications, and literal millions of pitches to throw into a classifier. A neural net could perfectly simulate the amalgamation of all the umpire calls and hence could carry on in the future perfectly replicating the calls for what should and shouldn't be a checked swing .

And the bonus is we don't even care what those factors were since even the umps don't seem to know or agree. It will likely find whatever factors the umpires are subconsciously latching on to - who knows the umps might even be calling their checked swing calls based on if it is a sunny or cloudy day - they themselves can't tell us why they do it. If they can tell us, then it becomes easier again as we can program the criteria. We could even make different robo-umps that umpire like the different types of human umps.

And we could even throw in some random "humanness" (error) if that is what the fans want.

All this is easily solvable. There is no upside to human umpires apart from our affinity with fellow meatbags.

Would a robo-ump have "solved" all the problems - depends on what we consider solved. But we can say a robo ump will be cheaper, faster, and will be no worse if we program it that way. It can also be better if we can agree on the definition of better.

Comment Re:Excellent! (Score 2) 153

Fools will scream, "trees!" without realizing that trees are actually carbon neutral which is why try have been around for billions of years without consuming all the CO2.

Wow... umm... that's some creative thinking.

All that mass of a big tree doesn't appear out of nowhere, and sure as hell all that carbon doesn't come from the ground. So trees either break the laws of physics or they are getting their carbon from the air using that really complex sounding "photosynthesis"

Trees DO suck up all the CO2. Problem is there are all these other living things on the planet that keep making more of it such that the whole thing stays in balance*

* balance changes - over geological time periods due to ratio of critters to trees.

Comment Re:I hope nobody else submits my idea: (Score 1) 153

Trees have several problems. They are inefficient at capturing carbon. They need water and nutrients, which makes them compete with agricultural land. Once the tree is grown, people cannot resist cutting it down and burning it up.

The cutting it down is fine. Bury that and plant another one in its place. It's only the burning that's a problem.

Comment Re:Too much content (Score 1) 35

Not sure you got the point (or not sure I got your point)...

Pocket Casts is a player. That is all. They have no relationship to the amount of content.

They are losing money because the alternative players are "good enough" for average Joe (and some others are also worthy contenders). They own no exclusive content.

Basically they now lose because they don't have enough of a strong market differentiator.

Comment Re:Okay fine (Score 1) 478

Ouch. The fact that the great... (looks up name) "Cmdln Daco" does not care what I think. I'll never get over it.

It's a community forum, no one really cares what any of us have to say - yet we post anyway. So carry on your good fight telling everyone you don't care, it adds great value to the conversation.

Comment Re:Okay fine (Score 0, Troll) 478

Isn't it past time to consider this kind of thing a national security threat?

Unfortunately your country has a policy (or at least established practice) of reserving that title only for people of a different skin colour. These are the skin colour that only gets called "lone wolf", or "mentally ill", or "fine people"

And the fact this will likely be marked Troll will be an even more damning testament to the double think that has been pervasive there for many years.

Comment Re:Inventing problems (Score 2, Interesting) 99

Seems these bureaucrats have too much time on their hands. Go worry about real problems. Is Covid isolation getting to their heads also?

Their leader at least believed in science, and while brutal at least forced the country to do the right thing to stop the virus. Amazing how many less problems the people have when the leader isn't just watching cable news and playing golf.

Comment Re: probably wont be a popular question but (Score 1) 41

Remedial jobs need to exist for remedial people

Good free-market thinking there. Heaven forbid that we question other ways of doing things.

Well... sorry government but we must tell you the same message we tell all those other lovely businesses. "Innovate or you will become irrelevant". Time to give a serious go at UBI.

Comment Re:What kind of treatment? (Score 1) 99

if you are going down that path, then the best category would be:

"would've survived if it wasn't for covid" and "covid related death"

Because we don't care if covid was the major factor or not, we care about knowing if covid took us from a reality where that person is in "alive" category to a reality where that person is in the "dead" category. If there heart is the major thing, but they still would be alive, then yes they should count in the covid column. They should also count in the heart column if the same is true for their heart.

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