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Comment Re:Uh, nice try (Score 1) 670

I thought they were simply trying to say if you're sick but still intend to work, do it from home. Don't go into the office and spread your germs. Sure if you want to take a sick day and relax that's fine, but if you don't feel like using a sick day, don't work from the office.

Comment Re:Data Caps in Canada (Score 1) 261

Ah good to know, thanks for that :) I don't see myself ever going past 5GB anyway, Wind is attractive mostly because their package also provides more for less than what the big three charge. The "unlimited" data is just a bonus, as it will be nice to not have to worry so much about how much data I've used. I'd also like to support competition to the big three.

Comment Data Caps in Canada (Score 1) 261

My cap is 500MB in Canada, granted I'm not on 4G currently. Regardless, if you have such a low cap you probably aren't using your device for bandwidth intensive applications when on data, if I want to watch videos, etc. I wait until I'm on WiFi (and networks are available virtually everywhere, at least in Ottawa where I live). You can also reverse-tether your phone to a computer if there is no WiFi around. That being said, I do disagree with the idea of data caps, looking forward to switching from Bell to Wind when my contract is up (as they offer unlimited data).

Comment Re:Why is this even a issue ? (Score 1) 302

Please feel free to point out where I said we should only teach creationism and no other origin stories? I'm all for teaching them all, in the right course/context. It's too bad the audience here on Slashdot would rather jump to their own conclusions based on poor assumptions, attacking those who they don't agree with, rather than engaging in a reasonable discussion.

Comment Re:Why is this even a issue ? (Score 1) 302

All I advocate is that we teach evolution in a science context and creationism in a spiritual/religious context. I don't see why that's an issue for so many people. No one is forcing you to believe what creationism teaches, nor is anyone forcing you to take the courses that teach it. It should be available as an option for those that do want to learn about it. The science side trying to silence the religion side is just as bad as the religion side trying to silence the science side.

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