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Comment Re: Anyone still going to the movies? (Score 1) 357

Yeah even amc 24 (in a good area) in Houston which is shit..doesnt smell..3min for a ticket, is cold as fuck, and has reasonable volume....but $12 cokes and $15 popcorn.

Movie tavern is amazing, reasonably priced food (REAL food - full meals), a full bar, and plush-ish office chair seating.

Where do you live? Ukraine?

Comment Re:Why still 32bit builds? (Score 0) 554

Writing a program of appreciable complexity in C is a massive pain in the ass without pointers. It is also beyond the ability of junior C developers.

In fact I don't know how you'd do any complex abstraction without function/struct pointers.

Also pointers can be highly performant when used properly...

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